"...разницы между предсказаниями организма о его сенсорных входных сигналах (воплощенными в его моделях мира) и ощущениями, с которыми он действительно сталкивается..." - наденьте на это душевные волнения и духовные стремления - и получите эмоции.
Хорошая статья. Каков ваш основной интерес в изучении цифровой вселенной? Мне кажется, что мне трудно уложить свою биологическую голову в эту цифровую реальность. Как традиционный художник, я с трудом могу принять решение. Ключевыми принципами классической красоты были симметрия, ассиметрия, гармония, единство, естественное течение и атмосфера. Компьютерный ИИ умеет создавать иллюзии и обманывать глаз. Это меня тоже смиряет.
Good article. What is your main interest in exploring the digital universe? I feel like it's hard for me to fit my biological head into this digital reality. As a traditional artist, I have a hard time making a decision. The key principles of classical beauty were symmetry, asymmetry, harmony, unity, natural flow and atmosphere. Computer AI is able to create illusions and deceive the eye. This also humbles me.
Можете ли вы программировать или использовать программное обеспечение ИИ, которое доступно в настоящее время? Are you able to program or use the AI software that is currently available?
I don't use algorithms to generate images. I like to look at paintings, I collect entire collections. For example, such collections help me illustrate posts on LiveJournal. And I noticed that I am increasingly using works created by algorithms. This is an objective trend!
Due to the fact that algorithms are mainly worked by people who do not have an artistic education, these people lack professional deformation. This kind of thing sometimes gives birth to amazing things!!!
i too am coming to realize the value of the AI tool it is, in the end, a tool. only as good as the person who uses it, regardless of art training some people have a natural proclivity for vivid imaginings all is relevant in the end, when applied to our social constructs. i too find the oddities more alive or fresh or interesting sometimes more so than the labored masterworks of trained professionals i think spontaneity adds a fresh perspective as well thank you for sharing
Thank you for your understanding! I really appreciate your comment! This is very valuable to me! I completely agree with what you wrote. You have made my point more fully, demonstrating your depth of understanding. And for me, such unity, even in this case, discussing algorithms that generate images, is an amazing event! Thanks again for your comment! Sorry for the translation defects. I hope I manage to convey my thought to you.
Comments 11
Если это так, то закон оптимизации энергии работать не должен.
* Красота есть совершенство целесообразности, постигаемое непосредственно чувством меры.
наденьте на это душевные волнения и духовные стремления - и получите эмоции.
Исходя из этого и надо принимать дальнейшие рекомендации: необходимо помнить, что в бою как в творчестве - ограничения канона куют по-беду.
Игорь Медведь(Mega) и другие
РВГ: пути реализации военных решений закрытая методичка для членов клана RSY
Кенигсберг - Москва - Очаков - Петропавловск - Сочи 2013 год
с. 6
Каков ваш основной интерес в изучении цифровой вселенной?
Мне кажется, что мне трудно уложить свою биологическую голову в эту цифровую реальность.
Как традиционный художник, я с трудом могу принять решение.
Ключевыми принципами классической красоты были симметрия, ассиметрия,
гармония, единство, естественное течение и атмосфера.
Компьютерный ИИ умеет создавать иллюзии и обманывать глаз.
Это меня тоже смиряет.
Good article.
What is your main interest in exploring the digital universe?
I feel like it's hard for me to fit my biological head into this digital reality.
As a traditional artist, I have a hard time making a decision.
The key principles of classical beauty were symmetry, asymmetry,
harmony, unity, natural flow and atmosphere.
Computer AI is able to create illusions and deceive the eye.
This also humbles me.
Можете ли вы программировать или использовать программное обеспечение ИИ, которое доступно в настоящее время?
Are you able to program or use the AI software that is currently available?
I don't use algorithms to generate images. I like to look at paintings, I collect entire collections. For example, such collections help me illustrate posts on LiveJournal. And I noticed that I am increasingly using works created by algorithms. This is an objective trend!
Due to the fact that algorithms are mainly worked by people who do not have an artistic education, these people lack professional deformation. This kind of thing sometimes gives birth to amazing things!!!
it is, in the end, a tool.
only as good as the person who uses it, regardless of art training
some people have a natural proclivity for vivid imaginings
all is relevant in the end, when applied to our social constructs.
i too find the oddities more alive or fresh or interesting
sometimes more so than the labored masterworks of trained professionals
i think spontaneity adds a fresh perspective as well
thank you for sharing
thank you for responding
much appreciated!
I really appreciate your comment! This is very valuable to me!
I completely agree with what you wrote. You have made my point more fully, demonstrating your depth of understanding. And for me, such unity, even in this case, discussing algorithms that generate images, is an amazing event!
Thanks again for your comment! Sorry for the translation defects. I hope I manage to convey my thought to you.
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