Title: Deus Ex Machina - The Instruments of Fate
Chapter: 16/?
Pairings: Ohmiya, OhnoxOC, NinoxOC, AibaxOC + other background pairings
Rating: PG - 13, rating will go up
Disclaimer: I do not own Arashi
r_tenou Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 |
Chapter 6 |
Chapter 7 |
Chapter 8 |
Chapter 9 |
Chapter 10 |
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Comments 5
After reading your Ohmiya fic I decided to check out other things you've written and came across this. First, I skimmed the first chapter not really interested but somehow, I opened it again on my ipod while about to go sleep... and ended up reading until somewhat after 12.. even though I have to wake up at 6. I just couldn't stop. This has got to be one of my favorite AU fics ever!! I just.. muh!!
I hope you'll be able to update some chapters in the future, it would be totally awesome but of course, this is entirely your decision.
I just wanted to let you know how awesome this story is. ♥
Thank you so much! I have a few more chapters of this written but had sort of given up on myself thinking it was a futile effort to keep writing it when no one was going to read it, but now I feel renewed to try harder. This comment means so much to me.
I'm sorry to deprive you of sleep when you had to get up so early but I'm so glad you read it I'm a bit incoherent now.
Thank you!!
D: ♥ I know how that feels!
I'm not sorry for ... "losing" sleep, because I basically sleep around ~6 hours anyways during school days. I'll be looking forward to an update! I hope you don't mind me friending you, because you seem so nice plus i like kind of stalked your journal yesterday
I was for sure worried about my OC's because lets face it, nobody wants that, and sometimes they got a bit.. you know OCish in a bad way while I was writing so I just never bothered to post this one in the comms.
I guess it's time to dust it off and have another go at this fic, Part one is so close to being done that its frustratingly difficult to finish, but I think I can post chapter 17 and 18 fairly soon for you to read after I clean them up a bit. Thank you!
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