May 07, 2004 14:03
Anyone else been watching "Touching Evil" on USA on Fridays? I've caught a few of them, and as dark, disturbing, gritty crime dramas go, it's not bad, if predictable - horrific crime perpetrated, the gang swings into action and two red herrings, some over-identification, and a close call later, catch the bad guy(s). The best part, I think, is Jeffrey Donovan's David Creegan. Oh, how I love my kookyangsty male leads. (For more information, see: Mulder, Fawkes, Crichton.) Oddly, I liked the character better before I found out his backstory (shot in the head, clinically dead, now thanks to the miracle of brain damage has no fear or shame). It was more interesting to think that this guy was just weird or silly on purpose, as a coping mechanism for his job, or to hide some deep-seated pain, or anything other than "because he's damaged and can't help it." This is similar to the way my entire world was shattered when I finally saw the pilot episode of "The Golden Girls" and found out that Sophia wasn't just this great old lady who was snarky and cool and said what she thought, but had had a stroke that prevented her from filtering. There's a decided difference, having to do with agency and societal conventions and how it's okay for people to behave a certain way only if there's something wrong with them. And while I'm here (and how the hell did I wind up here anyway? Must. Control. Stream. Of. Consciousness...), why can't men be portrayed as expressive instead of stoic and women be portrayed as strong instead of retiring without including, you know, the damage that inevitably accompanies these character traits?
Wow. Well, that was unexpected. This rant brought to you by the letters R-A-N-D-O-M.