i am in houston sort of more and more alone going to san antonio on the tenth or so i wish i were back in school. but doing pretty well played tetris today and got to the seventh level, and it all seemed rather ironic. or somethihng. and i still can't get past world 2-1 in mario. so i feel pretty lame.
self portraiting- it's hard. my room looks liike it was torn apart by starving schizophrenic refugees. and my mom's about to come pick me up- she'll want to clean it. NO!!! say NO to dearranging art for the saek of nonuseful space. I DO NOT NEED A PLACE TO SLEEP! i promise! it's not like i do that much of it anyway.
i had the awesomest break ever. i can't even try to describe it
it involved much coffee
old friends(the kind you think you wouldn't ever see again)