Why a Eureka ficathon? Why gen?
Because ficathons are love. Because there's not enough Eureka fic out there. Because it's my fluffy popcorn show, and we all want more fluffy popcorn, don't we? It's gen because I want this ficathon to appeal to everyone.
So, there are rules?
Of course there are rules. It's a ficathon. And fannish anarchy would make us all sad. So. Onto the rules!
Your fic must be a minimum of 500 words. Eureka's seasons are half of a normal show's seasons. So let's make a ficathon story match up thematically. (It has nothing to with your mod's lack of free time. Really.)
You submit three prompts. Your writer picks one to write. More than one will earn you brownie points and a pat on the head. (I'm cheap, okay?) You may submit one crossover prompt, if you wish.
What format do you want the prompts in?
Comment to this post with your prompt in the following format:
Prompt 1:
Prompt 2:
Prompt 3: Please put your crossover request here.
What you do not want to see in your story: Please limit this to three things.
What you will not write:
Are you available as a backup writer?
Filled out, this looks like -
havocthecatE-mail: havocthecat at gmail dot com
Prompt 1: Beverly and Allison are forced to work together. Preferably this goes horribly awry.
Prompt 2: Allison having a quiet moment at home. Then something happens. (It's Eureka. Something always happens.)
Prompt 3: Elizabeth Weir arrives at Eureka to talk to Rodney's old boss, Nathan Stark, about some experiments Rodney participated in. Then they find a Goa'uld.
What you do not want to see in your story: Character death, angst, whomping.
What you will not write: Character death, mpreg, fluff.
Are you available as a backup writer? Yes.
So where do we post our completed fics?
To this comm. The comm is set to moderated status. Once all the fics are in, I'll be going in and approving all the fics in the queue. Please don't post to a personal journal. No one but your betareader should see the fic before the reveal date.
Does my fic have to be betaread?
Yes. Dear Gods, yes. Betareading is love, people!
What happens if I can't write the fic I've been assigned, or if I'll be late?
You'll have one week after the due date to post your fic. If you haven't posted it by then, you'll be considered to have defaulted, and your prompt will be assigned to a backup writer. If you can't write the fic, period, then contact me ASAP, and I'll get a backup writer assigned.
Speaking of deadlines...
Yeah, that's important, isn't it? Here's the timeline.
Sign-ups will close on May 20th.
Assignments will go out by May 28th.
Stories should be posted the week of July 2nd.
I have other questions.
Please comment with them.
Large portions of this sign-up form have been gleefully swiped from
sg_rarepairings. Funny, that.