Title: War Threat of North Korea
eunkiPairing: Onew/Taemin (OnTae)
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: Pg-13
Word Count: 1,852
Disclaimer: I only own the story and the idea and nothing more.
Summary: North Korea had a war threat to South Korea. A/N: I was nervous when I heard the news about the war threat of the Northern counter part of South Korea
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Comments 8
Time to go marry Taemin so he can get a green card and we can run away together~ 8D I know he's too young to be drafted...but still, I worry. D:
I'll support you to marry him
As long as taemin is going to agree with that idea and if other fans will accept it...
if only this situation was this easy to fix..... :'(
Thank you soooo much... <3 <3 <3
Let's just hope that everything will be fine.
but this was really cuteeee and i loved it
Jinki was a little crazy too but I love him LOL
and SBS reporters, idk why but I cracked up at them muahahahaha
i can imagine Minho as a marine *hot*
Thank you soooo much for the comment and for reading.
I love your comment and you as well.
I have to add you as a friend! <3 <3 <3
added you back XD
lol nice to meet ya ^^
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