Title: The Plague Sequel 37 Pairing: TaecWoo,OC Rating: NC-17 Summary: Captured by strangers and taken to a mansion, Jang Wooyoung begins his new life with a man named Ok Taecyeon. --xx-- ( 37 )
lolol...jokwon just gave a spot on to all woostans :P
awww man..not you too kwon >.< i was kinda mad at Woo in this chap..i mean Taec was right. and it seems like whatever Woo says, he'll get on Taec's nerve..like the Buck issue..aigoo
it's jokwon!!!! what jokwon said is true.... there is something about woo that make people around him want to protect, to love him so much even in real life too!!! what a good friend jokwon is.... can't wait for the next chapter. i'm loving it!!
Jokwon!! Love him!! And love his explanation about the people around Wooyoung XD I would definitely be like that as well! I just love when Taec gets possessive. Great chapter ^^ can't wait for the next one~
Comments 6
he's right about people around Wooyoung.
can't wait for the next part
awww man..not you too kwon >.<
i was kinda mad at Woo in this chap..i mean Taec was right.
and it seems like whatever Woo says, he'll get on Taec's nerve..like the Buck issue..aigoo
whatever it is, Taec is the only one Woo loves :D
what jokwon said is true....
there is something about woo that make people
around him want to protect, to love him so much
even in real life too!!!
what a good friend jokwon is....
can't wait for the next chapter.
i'm loving it!!
I just love when Taec gets possessive. Great chapter ^^ can't wait for the next one~
Good explanation Jo kown :p
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