[ So if you just happen to be walking through Luceti today, you might spot a girl sitting on the ground next to a tree at the side of the road. Her journal is opened in her lap, and it seems she's rather focused on reading it. See, there's nothing weird about that, but.. she's still wearing the New Feather dress and doesn't seem bothered or
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Comments 355
Wait! Stop that! Fuuko remembers you!!
[Oh. What was her name. Tomoya said it a bunch of times, right?]
Kotomi, Kotomi, Kotomi!!
She takes a step back, maybe shaking just a little, even though Fuuko is obviously smaller than her. ]
A.. are you a bully..?
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[ Because clearly Kotomi expected to meet people who spoke Swahili or anything of the like here. The whole armor thing is a little weird though, but.. hey, it's Kotomi, she just swings with it. ]
It's very nice to meet you in that case, English robot-san. [ Armor, so it clearly must just be a robot, right!! ] My name is Kotomi Ichinose. You spell 'Kotomi' with three wonderful Japanese hiragana. When refering to me, please call me 'Kotomi-chan'.
[ She almost says it like it's some automatized introduction. ]
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[ She blinks a few times, staring the armor up and down. In silence contemplation, apparently. ]
Daisy-san..? But you look more like a robot-san..
In any case, a girl soon approaches him and very strangely enough, bowed, then saying "Hello", and after that... What is all that she's sputtering? He understood "Bonjour", which was also hello, just in a different language. And "Konnichiwa", which is also "hello" in another language.
Okay... So she's just saying "Hello" in many languages. So he wonders, "Why?" 2 "Why"'s, actually. "Why would she?" and "Why him?"]
You don't have to speak in so many languages.
[But in all honesty, he's surprised how many languages she has learned. Maybe she only learned "hello" for all of them?]
But if I don't introduce myself in that many languages, then people who don't know the specific language I'm introducing myself in might not understand. [ This seems logical to her. ]
They made me smart?!
... Hmm, this is not the kind of reaction she expected from someone. So clearly the message didn't go through and she has to repeat herself again, this makes sense! ]
... Bon.. jour? [ See, she's speaking slowly now since she thinks that means he might understand her. ]
[Genuinely surprised]
Ossu- hi! [And he even gives a little wave. Despite them being right in front of each other]
[ And she'll just wave back in exactly the same fashion even though they're close as well.. ]
It's very nice to meet you. [ now she seems to fall back into some routinized introduction. ] My name is Kotomi Ichinose. You spell Kotomi with three wonderful hiragana. When referring to me, please call me 'Kotomi-chan'.
So he holds his hands up and flails them a little, smiling nervously] A-Aha, hello there.
Hello. [ She bows slightly - right, time to use the introduction she learned from Tomoya. It sounds almost a little mechanized with the way she says it. ] It's very nice to meet you. My name is Kotomi Ichinose. You spell 'Kotomi' with three wonderful hiragana. My hobby is reading, and when referring to me, please call me 'Kotomi-chan'.
It's nice to meet you Kotomi-chan! My name is Seto. [Ah--should he say more? She did... ] You spell it with two hiragana. My hobby is... I guess stargazing if you consider that to be one! [He laughs sheepishly]
And I think stargazing is a very wonderful thing.. There are so many pretty stars out there in the galaxy, and there's a lot of them too.
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