New World Man - Master Post

Jun 07, 2011 23:40

Summary: People thought life was tough in 1983; oil shortages and high mortgage rates and nuclear war on the horizon, but then something broke through the veil and it really became tough. People died by the hundreds of millions. Miles and miles of land became unusable. Communication,transportation, civil law… all of them were just wisps of what they could have been.

The government threw out reasons for the disaster that didn’t explain how Dust became a living thing covering half of North America, or how a virus turned people evil and then made them disappear, and they certainly didn’t explain why magic was suddenly real or why certain people were so good at bending it.

They also couldn’t explain how, in the depths of civilization’s collapse, one family’s destiny could save the world.

Characters: Dean, Sam, John, Bobby and Castiel. Also, Missouri and Gabriel, and as many other canon characters as fit in the story
Pairings: Dean/Sam, Sam/the Rubys, Dean/Carmen; There is some Dean/others, but it's mostly off-screen and not for fun
Disclaimer: Kripke owns them; we just shake them out and play with them.No profit is made. No insult is intended.
Rating: NC-17 [overall]
Word Count: approx 118,000

Contains: AU/AR, BDSM, blood play (demon blood specifically), death, explicit scenes, h/c, language, M/F, M/M, implied non-consensual sex, torture, and violence. But there is a happy ending.

The Art: As everyone knows, big bangs come with art. My story was claimed by the talented heard_the_owl who joined me in my geek examination of ‘how do sigils work?’ and agreed that shirtless pretties were absolutely necessary. (She also makes a kick-ass cheerleader.)

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Art | NotesDictionariesMusic |

Thank You’s:
The final word must go to the mods and coordinators of the SPN J2 Big Bang: wendy and thehighwaywoman. An amazing amount of effort and organization goes into making this happen (so smoothly) so tributes and adulation to them both.

ETA: There's now a stand-alone prequel (timestamp, whatever), that takes place five years after the Storm. Outside POV.

A stranger rolls into town with kids in tow. He’s dangerous, but that’s okay.
Since the Storm covered the world in deadly, malevolent Dust, dangerous is a good thing.

It's available to read [ here ] or can be downloaded from my AO3 site [ here ].

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