I thought it would be interesting to look at characters’ affinities and see what it tells us about them and about the writers’ intention about them. While Affinities have a direct effect on gameplay via the support bonus and some of them are probably picked based on game balance (see the amount of Earth Affinity people in the Dawn’s Brigade),
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Comments 6
I don't remember the elements very clearly in the other games other than one small note in... I think it was FE7? There's a very brief implication that the elements are related to the calendar (like Western horoscopes). But it's a throwaway line. (That and the fact that your choice of birthday affects the insert character's affinity)
On the other hand there's a different hint in FE6 that indicates it's related to the way magic works -- but that goes into worldbuilding stuff that has its roots in the Kaga-era games (FE1-5) which I'm not actually sure applies to the later games.
Oh? Wikipedia led to believe there were elemental affinities in several games; but it could just happen not to be one you played with, or it overstated things.
picking birthdays for your characters sounds kinda fun in a completely superfluous detail way XD
Well it's obvious the different sorts of magic kinds are represented as elemental affinities (which makes you wonder why there's no Water, Earth or Heaven magics though).
Yeah the magic types I think are a relic of older worldbuilding from Archanea that may or may not have gotten scrapped. The least spoilery way I can explain is that it has to do with the origin of magic. From your list it seems like Tellius added some elements though. Heaven at least doesn't seem familiar. And I think Water used to be Ice.
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