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Comments 12

sandymg May 12 2016, 14:05:59 UTC
This was exactly my feeling. Jensen did all he could. His interpretation of those words transcended a mediocre script. And to give credit, that particular part was good. But Sam's reaction was too fanboy. I dunno. Maybe Jared can't work around a poor script the way Jensen can. I don't blame him. Actors work with what they are given. Jensen is just ... well, nobody knows Dean better.

It felt like a sucker punch after the amazing preceding episode. To go from something so sublime to that. It just disappointed so much.


etoile_etiolee May 12 2016, 22:53:46 UTC
Yes, I agree, it doesn't help that last week's ep was so, so great. But the show people should know better by now than giving such an important mytharc episode to Buckner-Lemming.


ladykorana May 15 2016, 16:08:58 UTC
Honestly, I think these writers are so poor they can't juggle writing serious character depth for more than one character an episode. Sometimes they focus more on a guest character of the week than the boys (8x15, ugh), so it's a miracle Jensen got as good of material as he did this one ( ... )


ferrous_wheeler May 12 2016, 14:39:22 UTC
Must admit that ep fell really flat for me as well. Where God was just! shown as being a complicated, nuanced character to become.... that - a curling watching, no -pants-wearing disappointment.... :( To be fair, I'm still wondering if this isn't part of some epic God plan where part of it is that he acts/looks like a douche, but am not sure if the writers (or at least this pair) is up to it. Jensen did do a great job though, especially when he was sitting there all broody and sad; the guy is the master of the man-tears ;)


etoile_etiolee May 12 2016, 23:23:48 UTC
Last's week's episode was great so it didn't help that the one following has been mediocre. This pair of writers need to go.


jj1564 May 12 2016, 16:14:08 UTC
I expected more anger from Dean and Sam about all that God has put them through, (and the rest of the world!) in recent years, but on the whole I liked the episode. It was a treat to see Kevin albeit briefly and as a Metatron-hater I was pleased to see him do the decent thing for once!

But I agree that God's appearance should be treated more seriously and with greater depth.

Jensen's performance is, as always, spot on. He portrayed Dean's grief so well, and no actor cries as well as he does!


etoile_etiolee May 12 2016, 23:56:27 UTC
Jensen is amazing, right? And he had so much to grieve, so many reasons to be angry. That's what bothers me. God's absence has been such an important part of the show his appearance should have been treated by the showrunner, or, well, Robbie Thompson, like last week. For those who believe in God as well as for those who don't, like me, a convinced atheist, it doesn't matter, it's the shock that should've caused his appearance to Sam and Dean that was absent ( ... )


jj1564 May 15 2016, 15:59:41 UTC
Don't apologize, I know exactly what you mean! I was delighted to see Kevin too, it was a lovely surprise but as you said it was too brief and Kevin didn't explain why Sam and Dean should "trust Chuck". And Jensen made the very best of a dodgy script, his acting is amazing.

And I so agree with everything you said about Charlie's death, it was nonsensical, she wouldn't have gone off on her own and she could have easily shut herself away from Rowena somewhere in the same building.

As Singer is now co-show runner, I guess we're stuck with these two writers, but hopefully they'll get more MOTW episodes and less important ones.


strgazr04 May 12 2016, 18:10:46 UTC
Totally agree. It fell flat. After last week, I was seriously disappointed. Jensen did amazing in that scene but God's response just pissed me off. "Don't confuse me with your dad". Are you serious? You're exactly like John - dumping all your work and blame on the boys. And pointing fingers at Sam for Lucifer's escape? Uh no, that's on Cas. I really wish in that moment the boys would have stood up for themselves and made a case of all they've done. I mean, God let Sam rot in the Cage for centuries with Lucifer AND Michael. Dean's been to Hell AND Purgatory. They've lost everything and everyone. I'm pretty sure they've paid their dues. On top of that, do these boys really need more guilt thrown at them? Dean already takes on the world's fight as his own. The scene in the park proves that.


etoile_etiolee May 13 2016, 00:05:23 UTC
Everything you said. I agree so much. God behave way too "humanly" by manipulating and putting the blame on others.

It was so disapointing because I was very doubtful about having God being part of the show (I'm an atheist, but I don't think it matter in the case) and Robbie Thompson had done a miracle portraying him in his episode. The god if "All in the family" was like a completely different character. And a d**k.


strgazr04 May 13 2016, 00:30:12 UTC
Exactly. The two episodes didn't flow despite the second one starting exactly where the last left off. All of the characters felt more like caricatures. I don't think being an atheist has anything to do with it. Honestly, I have a friend who is very religious and she's upset over the way God was represented as well. I didn't like his attitude to the boys. Either he was ridiculing the two people who have done the most for his "creations" or he was making jokes. He was more of a joke than anything between the Chinese food and the boxers and everything. I feel bad because all those actors deserve better. Hope next week is an improvement. (Though I'm also so sick of Carver's pacing. These last few seasons lag on with too many fillers up until the last episode or so when we finally get so much action that it's hard to keep track of).


annabuffy May 13 2016, 04:05:28 UTC
Totally agree. Wish Kripke would come back. The last few episodes reminded us of how could SPN was and still could be again. I did love the moment when Dean is taliking to Chuck about why he was MIA and that He had to take on Amara-I don't remember the exact convo but Chuck turned to Dean and said "That's why I saved you." And Dean's stunned look.


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