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Comments 15

dawnmay March 31 2016, 14:23:59 UTC
okay, i REALLY need to catch up with show now. i just don't know where to watch s11...

p.s. hope you're feeling better. <333


etoile_etiolee March 31 2016, 15:25:54 UTC
you do! You can catch them streaming on iwatchonline (just write that in your browser) or there are different download website, like kickass torretnt :)

I am feeling better. Slowly but surely. now, all I need is for my ex husband to stop being an ass** and I'll be golden.



jj1564 March 31 2016, 16:38:29 UTC
That's what I thought when Sam gasped and woke up, as Dean downed the pills! So Romeo and Juliet! It was a very emotional, exciting and tense episode wasn't it! I loved it from start to finish.



etoile_etiolee March 31 2016, 18:01:52 UTC
Same here.
This year is kicking a** and I'm so proud of our boys!!!


jj1564 April 1 2016, 11:01:17 UTC
There hasn't been one bad episode this season, and several fantastic ones! I'm so pleased and proud of our boys and the whole SPN crew!


wings128 March 31 2016, 21:59:19 UTC
YES! Exactly that moment! I was watching by peeking between my fingers, lol!
That said, I ADORED THIS EP! I don't know how I could be more emotionally involved with the world and our characters :D :D


amberdreams March 31 2016, 18:22:42 UTC
I was so tense even though I KNEW they had to be alright at the end - and I couldn't believe I actually wanted to cry when Sam died (again). Amazing they can still do this to me after all this time!


etoile_etiolee March 31 2016, 22:53:40 UTC
It is amazing, isn't it? Wow, this episode was such a wild emotionnal ride. We've had a lot of really good eps this season but the emotion in this one will be hard to beat!


dizzojay March 31 2016, 21:34:34 UTC
That's a very good analogy. It was wonderful - I've already watched it twice and I only downloaded it this evening!


etoile_etiolee March 31 2016, 22:54:59 UTC
I've recorded it and am waiting for the kids to be in bed to watch it again. You're right, such a wonderful episode. This is an eleven years old show, can you believe how they can still trigger such emotions in the viewers?


gingerdean April 1 2016, 20:39:22 UTC
I agree, this season has been exceptional in so may ways. And while I personally did not think that Red Meat was a particularly strong episode in itself...man was it INTENSE, and from a hurt/comfort perspective, this one was off the charts. I've watched it twice, and I'm dying to watch it again!
And yes, the whole Romeo and Juliet thing - that was exactly what ran through my mind when the reaper told Dean that Sam wasn't dead. Man, that killed me. What a horrifically tragic way for Dean to have died, if he hadn't been revived. (Not that the show would have let that happen, but just to imagine it....ugh)


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