Driven -Part 1

Feb 03, 2015 07:44

"Next month - Halloween, actually, which is kind of amusing, considering that it’s our favorite holiday. Jen and I get really enthusiastic on the costume thing…I don't think he'll make it that far, though. The whole pregnancy's been pretty rough on him.”

Jared shifted uncomfortably on the overstuffed chair he was seated in, eyes darting from the bracelet on his wrist back to the reporter in front of him. He didn't ordinarily give answers to such personal questions that reporters (or fans for that matter) asked him, but the woman seated across from him seemed put together, honest, and came from People magazine.

It was probably the most reputable magazine to ever invite him to speak. Usually he got tabloids, fanzines, or trashy soap opera type gossip rags calling him. Not having a flashy giant wedding forced the paparazzi to scour the Internet for shoddy cell phone photos and second-hand accounts from guests with loose lips. But since the announcement of Jen's pregnancy was officially scooped (through a press conference with Jared’s agent) and his show had gotten picked up for the fifth season at the top spot on the Tuesday night lineup, he’d had more calls from legitimate news shows and magazines.

The reporter glanced down at her own notes. "Jensen's been having a difficult pregnancy?" She made a small notation with her pen, then looked up to him, face earnest.

Jared sighed. Jensen was going to kill him. "We've had our ups and downs with it. Believed miscarriage early on, terrible morning sickness, gestational diabetes, and then he had a trip to the ER with pre-term labor. He's confined to bedrest right now. Been stuck there for the past two months. He's going stir crazy, that's for sure."

The reporter smiled knowingly. "Doesn't like being cooped up, then?"

"Being stuck in the house doesn't phase him. He actually prefers it. In fact, that was a main point of contention between us for a while. It's hard to keep private lives separate from what you want the public to see. Away from the press, away from our jobs, away from the nosy people who want to control our lives…. It’s not really all that easy to live in the limelight, especially when you’re not what the public believes you to be.”

The reporter made sure that the red light on her tape recorder was glowing and settled in. It appeared that Jared Padalecki was about to give her the story of a lifetime.

“Let me start at the beginning…”

Jared's eyes scanned the smoke-hazy room for the dark haired guest star who'd just wrapped an episode on his show. His show - ha! He'd still not gotten used to the fact that he was the main actor on one of the most highly rated TV dramas, “Drive.” He played taxi driver-slash-undercover narcotics officer who rode the line of ethics very sharply. He'd had three episodes of season 4 under his belt so far and the network was loving it. His agent was already in contract discussions to keep the show running for the next two years. And, introducing this season's endgame arc with Christian Kane filling the antagonist's spot was sure to drive up the ratings quite a bit for their least popular demographic. Christian had several dozen successful shows under his guest star belt, happy to hop from network to network and "get those panties to drop." Which is exactly what he did to drive up viewership in young women. Jared had to admit that it was an effective strategy.

Jared had agreed to meet up with Christian for some celebratory drinks at this local dive joint, somewhere that served good beer on draft and hot wings until midnight. Jared's kind of place was also Christian's kind of place - they both hailed from Texas and they had similar tastes in all sorts of things they'd discovered during the shooting of the episode. Christian also promised it to be low-key press and fan-wise, which was always a plus in Jared's books. He hated going out and having to hide with baseball hats and sunglasses, but he also hated going out and being mobbed by crowds of young women vying for photos or autographs. With the promise of an evening with few fans, he donned his favorite black beanie and headed out, telling Clif to take the night off.

He spotted Christian near the back of the bar, feet propped up on a low table, hands linked behind his long dark hair, knee bobbing to the beat of a rock song the live band was playing on stage. A small group of guests relaxed around the table - some drinking from bottles, some chatting animatedly with each other, some watching the band and tapping along.

One man in particular, who was seated directly beside Christian with an acoustic guitar on his lap, was absently letting his fingers find chords on the guitar that matched the music in the air. His face was furrowed in concentration - eyebrows knitted together, bottom lip pinned in place by straight, white teeth, cheeks tinged lightly with red to indicate that he'd had just enough to drink that he was feeling it. Jared took in the sight of this man, forgetting that he was at the bar to hang out with Christian and his friends. The man was simply beautiful - strong square jawline and bowed legs that accommodated the guitar on his lap. Jared felt the stirrings of attraction deep within his gut.

"Jared! Hey, man! Glad you made it! Come sit down!"

Jared startled when he heard Christian's voice ring out. He blushed just slightly, running a hand over the back of his neck before approaching his co-star. The man beside him looked up from the guitar, smiling lightly up at him and Jared's mouth went dry. Green eyes framed by thick, long lashes and the perfect twinkle.

"This is Jensen, my roommate," Christian said as Jared moved closer, indicating the green-eyed man to his side. Jensen moved the guitar off his lap, wiped his hand on his jeans, and offered it up for Jared to take. "Jensen's from Dallas, too. We grew up together. But don't expect him to swoon - man doesn't watch TV."

"How do you not watch TV?" Jared smiled and grasped Jensen's hand - strong grip, warm fingers, just a slight callus evident on the fingertips.

Jensen gave his hand a short squeeze before letting go. "You know what they say: 2000 channels and nothing's on." At Jared's shy smile, he added, "more like I'm usually up to my eyeballs in work and books to get into anything good. Although, I have to say, I still might swoon." He flashed a toothy smile up at the taller man, letting his own eyes rake down Jared's body like a caress. "So where're you from then, if not Dallas?" He scooted over so there was room between him and Christian on the small couch.

"San Antonio's home for me," Jared replied, swallowing the nervous arousal the other man was eliciting from him.

"Fellow Texan. Always a pleasure." Something sparkled behind Jensen's eyes as he said it, but before Jared could fully analyze if it was flirting or not, the other man was patting the spot next to him. "Well come on then....have a seat." He leaned forward to catch Christian's attention. "Damn, know any actors that aren't doubling as male models?"

Christian laughed. "This sonuvabitch? Not sure if he did any modeling in the past, but I guess you'll just have to ask him yourself. He gets a lot of attention from the ladies, I know. Hardly any of the chicks on set even looked at me."

Jared hid his blush by tugging off his beanie and smoothing down his shaggy hair. He felt Jensen's eyes on him as he shrugged out of his light jacket. It made him hyper-aware of every movement. He gazed up at Jensen through his eyelashes, smiling shyly at the smoldering look that was returned.

"Nobody wants to look at your ugly ass, anyway, Chris," Jensen teased. "Not when tall, dark, and gorgeous is in the room. Those chicks have taste.” He looked back at Jared, flirtatious smirk gracing his lips. “Any of them your girl?"

Jared shook his head. "I dated a girl on set my first year working. Not a good idea. Best to keep work at work and not let it bleed into your personal life." He cleared his throat, glanced around the group of people nearby, pitching his voice low so that just Jensen and Chris could possibly hear. "Besides, not really looking for a girl right now."

"Is that because you're too busy? Just not interested? Or..." Jensen leaned closer to him, looking up through his eyelashes. Jared licked his lips, subconsciously leaning closer as well. "Looking for a man, Jared?" A tingle of arousal shot through Jared’s body. He let out a puff of air, closing his eyes to cut the tension a bit.

"Awww, you're making him blush, Jenny," Christian laughed. To Jared, he said, "be careful with this one - he's a flirt when he's had a few."

Jensen smiled and leaned back. "I'm a flirt when I see someone worth flirting with, Chris."

"Shut up. Once you sober you're going to be mortified at your own behavior, even if you do want to get in Jared's pants." When Jared blanched, Chris rolled his eyes. "Truth be told, Jenny here's pretty reserved. I've only ever seen him this forward one time and-"

"Don't bring that up," Jensen hissed at his friend. When Jared's head whipped around to look at him, he blushed. "It was at a baby shower for someone Chris knows and the guy was eye fucking me all day. Not my fault I was given too many mimosas and not enough cake to even it out."

Chris laughed, standing up and stretching. "Nuh-uh, Jensen. You don't get off that easy." To Jared, he stage whispered, "He was hitting on the father-to-be. Who apparently didn't look eight months pregnant to this dumbass. And he had severe heartburn, which is what Jensen here mistook for 'eye fucking'." Jared's mouth flew open in a delighted laugh and Jensen slapped a hand over his face. "Isn't that cute?" Christian crooned. "Now he's even redder than he was after he found out that information himself. I'm gonna go grab another round, you want?"

Jared nodded and watched Christian make his way to the bar. Jensen groaned, face in his hands. "Kill me now."

Jared chuckled. "Nah, that'd be a waste.'s adorable."


"Yeah," Jared smiled, ducking his head shyly.

Beside him, Jensen leaned far back on the sofa, stretching his arms well up over his head. Jared tried not to stare at the peak of tanned skin that appeared between worn denim and cotton Henley, instead picking at invisible lint on his beanie. It wasn't often that he felt shy around another person, but Jensen was stirring up all sorts of emotions inside of him. He cleared his throat. "Nice bar," he commented. "You guys hang out here a lot?"

Jensen snorted. "Is that like you asking if I come here often?" One eyebrow quirked up and he smirked. This time, Jared couldn't hide his blush.

"N-no. That's not what I-I mean...."

Jensen laughed lightly, clapping a hand on Jared's shoulder. "No worries, man. Chris and I come here whenever we need a little bit of back home. Cold beer, mellow crowd, no paparazzi for Mr. BigShot over there and no chance of running into any of the jerks I share cubicle space with....easy place to just be. I was just kidding you." He smiled genuinely up at the taller man, nodding as Christian returned with beers. Both men took one and Jared had to look away when Jensen took a long pull. Those lips curled around the mouth of the bottle, throat working as he drank - Jared coughed. Jensen slapped him on his back twice, smirking.

"You alright there, hoss?"

"Yeah. Yeah...." Jared's face flushed warm as he took another drink. Maybe he should have eaten something before coming out…

Jensen laughed lightly, hand sweeping long across Jared's back, then lingering low near his belt before dropping away. Jared felt his body respond instantly. He took another long drink and pulled one leg up over the other as casually as possible. When he looked back at Jensen, he knew the other man had caught on. One eyebrow was raised in amusement. Thankfully, though, Jensen took pity on him and settled back on the sofa, relaxed. "Chris says you're the lead on that show he got a part on? Bet you get a lot of nothing done with that guy on set..."

"I've been wanting to kiss you for days," Jensen slurred slightly, pulling Jared inside the apartment and slamming the door shut behind them with his foot. He lost his footing slightly, but righted himself quickly with a hand on the entryway wall. The guitar case he'd been holding thumped to the floor noisily.

Jared laughed lightly, grasping at the nearest belt loop on Jensen’s jeans to make sure the shorter man didn’t topple over completely. "Really? Days?"

Jensen nodded. He let his hand slide up Jared’s arm, pulse pounding at their closeness. He leaned forward and sucked a sloppy kiss on the taller man’s neck. His teeth grazed the skin, just on the good side of pain. Jared shuddered.

"'ve only known me for a few hours."

"Fine. I've been wanting to kiss you for hours, then. Doesn't matter....just want...."

Jared tipped Jensen's face upwards and slid their lips together, tongue already teasing at Jensen's plush bottom lip to gain entrance. Jensen complied eagerly. Both men tasted of the whiskey shots Christian had insisted they take before leaving the bar, hands already wandering as they made their way into a cab pointed towards Jensen's apartment. Christian assured them that the brunette he'd been chatting with all evening was more than receptive to an overnight guest and not to wait up, winking as they clambered up off the sofa to leave. The taxi ride was full of sexual tension, neither man wanting to touch the other for fear of getting kicked out onto the curb for indecent exposure. As soon as they hit Jensen and Christian's apartment, though, all bets were off.

Now, Jensen's hands came up to pull off Jared's beanie and rake through the mess of chestnut hair underneath. Tugging lightly, he earned a small moan from the taller man. The beanie fell to the floor soundlessly. "Fuck, you're gorgeous," Jensen whispered, eyes raking over Jared's face and body. When his eyes returned to Jared’s though, a look of concern laced the edges of green. "Tell me you've done this before."

Jared laughed. "I'm not a virgin, Jensen. I'm twenty-eight years old for God's sake."

Jensen gave him a pointed look. "I mean, with a guy. Not really looking to be someone’s gay experiment here.”

"Oh." Jared's mind raced with random thoughts of men in his past: a fellow basketball player in high school who gave him a hand job in the empty locker room after practice, a couple drunk frat boys at a hazing party in college who took turns blowing him, the first creepy ass agent he had that insisted he'd find better work for him in LA if he just let him rub off on him...All things he hadn't announced to anyone because they were especially mundane and hadn't gone farther than one or two occurrences. And while he hadn't exactly went 'bottoms up' for anyone ever, he wasn't averse to the notion and he certainly had enough experience on the giving end of sex, both with a woman and a man. He shrugged. "Depends on what we're doing here."

Jensen pulled away from his task of nibbling on Jared's neck to look up at him. His eyes were dark with want. "Well, I plan on getting you undressed so I can see what you're hiding under there. Then, I want to taste every inch of your skin. And finally, if you're feeling up to it, I want to ride you until your knees buckle. Sound good?"

Jared's answer was to surge forward and claim Jensen's mouth with his. He pressed Jensen against the front entryway’s wall, hands grasping at slim hips and weaving their way under the dark Henley. He stroked along the smooth skin underneath, delighting in hearing the whimpers against his own lips as they continued to kiss. Jensen’s tongue was sloppy slick against his, wet but satisfying. One hand ventured across the toned expanse of back so he could tug their hips together. He hissed when their bodies made contact in the most intimate of areas.

“Fuck,” Jensen murmured into his mouth, voice raspy from equal parts liquor and arousal. “My room.” He grabbed for Jared’s hand and propelled them both forward, drunkenly staggering through the darkened hallway towards his bedroom door. Once there, he shoved the door open with the flat of his hand and pulled them both inside.

Jared, momentarily shaken from his excitement by the sudden brightness of the overhead light, took a minute to take in his surroundings. The bed was neatly made, half a dozen dark blue pillows stacked artfully across the headboard. There was a small black desk in one corner with minimal clutter, and two sturdy floor-to-ceiling bookcases in another. The floor was devoid of mess - even the trashcan and hamper in the room were tidy.

Jensen hurried over to the closet door and pulled it shut, also seeming to have sobered a bit with the flick of the light switch. “’Scuse the mess. Haven’t been home much lately. Between work and gigs...”

Jared choked out a laugh. “Seriously? This is quite possibly the cleanest bachelor pad I’ve ever seen.” He nodded his head towards another adjoining door, assuming it was the bathroom. “Betcha I could eat off your bathroom’s floor.”

The older man laughed nervously, then tumbled over to the door muttering an apology. The light inside clicked on and the door shut quickly, but Jared could hear Jensen cursing and water running through the thin door. He chuckled and continued his casual perusal of the room.

A few photographs caught his attention, tacked to a corkboard near the doorway: one of a younger Jensen and Christian at a party, a teenage girl hugging a dog and showing off a mouth full of braces, an older couple who quite possibly were Jensen’s parents, a man who looked vaguely like Jensen sitting with what appeared to be a wife and two children. The corkboard was also home to some random ticket stubs from music events around town, phone numbers scrawled on notebook paper and bar coasters, and a sketch of an album cover boasting Jensen’s name across a boat. It was probably the most disorderly part of the room and Jared felt his face ease into a smile at the hominess of it.

Jensen emerged from the bathroom sheepishly, tossing a rumpled towel into the hamper as he passed. His face seemed freshly scrubbed and he handed a small plastic cup of water to Jared. “I don’t usually do this,” he admitted. He sat down on the rolling chair that accompanied the desk and ran a hand over the back of his neck. “Obviously.”

“I don’t either,” Jared reassured, taking a drink of the cool water he was offered. “Pretty sure the last time I even ventured to think about going home with someone I just met I was around 18 and new to the city.” He shuddered at the memory of that evening gone sour. “Everyone else has been a committed relationship. With a woman. Which I haven’t been in for at least a year. Wow, I’m talking too much, aren’t I?” When Jensen didn’t respond, he cleared his throat and placed the tumbler on top of the nearby dresser. “We don’t have to…uh….”

“No…uh…I mean….,” Jensen started, standing up suddenly. He crossed the room until he was standing in front of Jared, sharing breath with him. He seemed to swallow his nerves. “I want to. If you still…”

Jared yanked Jensen flush with him, dimples appearing around his smile. He took a deep inhale near the shorter man’s neck, breathing in the spicy scent of cologne and the faint trace of mouthwash. “Oh, I do, darlin’,” he whispered. Jensen’s body trembled beneath his hands. “God, but I do.” He mouthed at Jensen’s skin, latching on at a spot just beside the Henley’s neckline and sucking a light bruise there.

“Yeah,” the other man sighed, arms coming up to pull Jared’s head closer. “Fuck, yeah.”

Jared backed towards the bed, stumbling a bit over his own clumsy feet, leading Jensen forward by his hips. Once his knees hit the mattress, he sat easily. He toed his sneakers off while Jensen leaned down to tug off his boots and socks. The shorter man swung one bowleg up onto the bed. He leaned close to Jared, kissing him thoroughly as he kneeled above his waist. The warmth of his body hovered above Jared’s crotch and teased him. “This okay?”

“No,” Jared huffed. At Jensen’s confused expression, he grasped his hips firmly and drew him down onto his lap completely. Both men exhaled noisily at the sensation. “You’re not close enough,” Jared explained. He licked his way back into Jensen’s mouth, rocking his hips up to feel the other man’s length against his own.

Jensen moaned, then countered the thrust with his own slow grind against Jared. He dragged the thick seam of his jeans across Jared's hardness, the friction delicious even beneath four layers of clothing. Jared gripped Jensen's ass, fingers pressing hard enough to bruise.

"You like that?" Jensen panted. He dropped a sloppy kiss on Jared's stubbly chin, repeating the grinding action.

"Yeah," Jared responded, tugging the shorter man closer by his ass. "Would be better with less clothing," he added.

Jensen nodded and tucked his fingers up under Jared's shirt to pull it off. Once the cotton was flung onto the floor, forgotten, Jensen's eyes raked over the long tanned expanse of naked skin in front of him. Slightly sculpted abs and pecs rested above a trail of tawny brown hair, leading down behind a thick belt and stiff denim. Jared's hair fluffed up in all directions, clinging to his neck and face in spots. Jensen reached out and brushed the hair away with reverence. "Gorgeous," he whispered.

"Now you," Jared said, voice husky, hands returning to their spots on Jensen's jeans.

Jensen complied, sliding his shirt up and off, tossing it behind him. Jared sucked in a gasp of air through his nose. "Perfect," he whispered. "Fucking perfect." Jensen's torso wasn't as tanned as Jared's, but the light definition of muscle proved that he worked out frequently and had a very strong core. Freckles dotted his shoulders and chest, which indicated summers spent in the Texas sun. Jared traced a line of them with the soft tip of one finger.

He leaned forward and sucked one brown nipple between his lips, tongue flicking over it until it stood firm in his mouth. Above him, Jensen squeaked in surprise, then exhaled noisily against Jared's hair.

"Jesus," he huffed as Jared repeated the treatment of his tongue on the other nipple. His back arched to allow for more of his chest to be suckled, grinding motion of his hips stalled momentarily. "Oh, dear God..."

Jared smiled against Jensen's skin. "Oh, darlin', if you're already giving thanks to the deities, you're in for a real treat." He pressed upwards with his hips, allowing their cocks to grit across each other through denim. Another pass of their cocks together caused him to feel a spot of wetness forming on his boxers. He ground their cocks together harder, fingers reaching out and stroking over the back of Jensen's jeans. When Jensen stopped shuddering, he nuzzled behind his ear and whispered, "Let's find out what other talents my tongue's acquired."

Jensen nearly fell off his lap as he scrambled backwards to get his pants off. Jared chuckled lightly. "Easy, baby. Don't want you gettin' hurt now. Not before the main event." He unbuckled his own belt and jeans while Jensen fought his own nearby. It wasn't quite as smooth as he was sure the other man believed he could be, but Jared, too, was feeling the warm wooziness of the liquor they'd shared catching back up to him. He tugged his pants and socks off, looking up as he paused with his thumbs hooked in his boxers. Jensen was watching him with intent, naked as he day he was born.

His thick cock jutted out from his body proudly, head red and glistening with a thin layer of wetness. It pulsed in time with Jensen's heartbeat and Jared felt his own grow impossibly harder at the sight. "Christ, darlin'," he sighed.

He pulled his own cock free of his boxers, dropping them off the side of the bed to land with his jeans and socks. He heard Jensen gasp as he settled back on the bed. Jared smiled and offered a hand to him. "Come on up here."

Jensen crawled up beside Jared, one hand slowly moving forward and resting low on Jared's stomach. Jared's hips thrust up instinctively, trying to get that hand lower where it was needed.

"It's been a while," Jensen admitted, stroking a single finger through the wiry patch of curls at the base of Jared's cock. Jared hissed at the soft touch, belly clenching with a surge of desire. "And you are definitely more than I imagined."

"That's a good thing, right?" Jared breathed. He groaned as Jensen's hand wormed its way around his length, tight and warm and perfect.

"Hell yeah."

Jared's chuckle died on his lips and was replaced by a breathy whine as Jensen's tongue licked a stripe from base to tip and fluttered around the sticky mess at the slit. His lips parted around the bulbous head and he suckled ever so gently, coaxing more pre-cum onto his tongue. He smirked when the tip of his tongue stroked over the sensitive spot beneath and Jared’s hips stuttered as he tried to keep from thrusting deep into Jensen’s mouth.

“Jensen,” Jared gasped, head pressing so hard into the pillow beneath it that it enveloped his ears and muffled the sloppy sounds of Jensen’s mouth on him. His fingers creaked as they grasped the comforter below him. Jensen went lower, lips and tongue meeting his fist halfway down Jared’s shaft. “Oh, yeah….just like that…”

Jensen hummed in appreciation, sending vibrations through Jared’s body and making him keen. His cock twitched violently inside its warm, wet cavern. His eyes flickered shut to stave off his orgasm. He felt Jensen’s hand speed up and his mouth tighten around him. Spit slicked the way for both and distantly, he sensed it dripping down past his shaft, gathering on his balls. “That’s so good, baby….so fuckin’ good…”

Jensen’s mouth wavered, then slid off with a pop. Jared looked down to see why he’d stopped the perfection he’d been enjoying. “What-“

“Fuck,” Jensen swore, kneeling up on the bed and scrabbling to wrap a hand around the base of his own cock. He used his other hand, which was still glistening with his own spit, to tug his balls down sharply. His breaths came short and ragged through plump wet lips, chest heaving and eyes closed tightly. “Shit, man, I’m sorry. It’s just…it’s been a very long time since I’ve…”

Jared felt more slick pump out across his belly at the image before him. “Don’t apologize,” he said. “That’s the hottest thing ever.” He leaned up on his elbows to wait for the other man’s breathing to slow down.

Finally, Jensen skimmed his hands down his own thighs and rested them there, squeezing the muscle as he took a few more gulps of air. "Sexy, I know," he joked. His cheeks stayed flushed and his eyes were bright.

"You are," Jared crooned, reaching up and snagging the other man by the waist. He hauled him flush to his body, rocking up when their cocks bumped against each other. He allowed them to rut together for a few moments before twisting them both on the bed so he could be above Jensen.

"Fuckin' sexy," he panted into Jensen's ear. "But I want to explore all the sexy parts of your body, baby. Every. Square. Inch." He punctuated each word with a wet kiss down Jensen's chest. He lapped lazily at a peaked nipple, enjoying the tiny mewl of pleasure his lover emitted.

Slowly, he traced a path down Jensen's torso with his tongue. When he reached the thick, wet head of Jensen's cock, he scooped up a layer of slick with the tip of his tongue. Jensen's cock jerked and produced more wetness and Jared couldn't help but groan. "Fuck, baby, you taste amazing."

He set to work ridding the hard flesh of the salty syrup that dribbled out of the slit. Jensen's body was unable to be still, twitching and undulating at the assault. Jared grinned up at him, mouth wet and pink, as he made an impossibly tight ring with his fingers around the base of Jensen's cock. He began licking up another blurt of precum from the head. "Told you I was gonna show you what other things my tongue could do." He swooped down lower, mouth tenderly closing around Jensen's balls. His tongue laved spit across the wrinkled flesh before he applied the gentlest of suction.

Jensen keened, back arching sharply. "Oh, God, fuck," he yelled out. The fingers at the base of his cock tightened just enough to bring him back from the brink. "Jesus, Jared....what the fuck..."

Jared pulled off the sensitive flesh slowly, lightly dragging his top teeth across. "Not enjoying yourself?"

Jensen let out a sharp, dry laugh, covering his eyes with one arm. "Maybe enjoying myself a little too much," he admitted. "You sure you haven't been with a guy in a while?"

"I wouldn't lie to you, Jensen," Jared murmured before pressing a soft kiss to the inside of the other man's thigh.

"Bet you say that to all the people you bed," Jensen replied, voice only half teasing.

Jared raked his teeth delicately across the juncture between leg and groin, satisfied when Jensen gasped and looked down at him. "No. I don't make a habit of lying as a rule. And it's especially true for those few people that I know intimately. You deserve better than fake bullshit." He gently spread Jensen's legs apart, working his way down the bed farther. He blew a light breath over the spit slicked skin he'd just sampled. "And I'm definitely not lying when I say that I am one lucky son of a bitch right now, being here with you."

He pressed Jensen's knees upwards so he could finally see the puckered opening to his body. It fluttered under his attention, pink and musky scented. He flicked his tongue out over it and felt it jerk beneath his touch. Above him, Jensen whined, grasping the covers with his fists.

"Gonna need to ask this before I get really started," Jared murmured, tasting Jensen's skin again. "You have lube and condoms, right?"

"Yeah," Jensen panted, bending over the bed quickly to dig through the nightstand drawer. "Here." He flipped a tall bottle of lubricant and a condom onto the covers. "Might want to check the date on that condom, though. I'm not sure how long that's been in there."

Jared turned it over in his palm, staring down at the little numbers etched into the foil. "We're good, although it's a near miss," he laughed. He curled his arms around Jensen's thighs, scooting him back down to his mouth. "Now....let's find out how loudly you can scream."

He began devouring Jensen's hole, tongue parting the entrance with quick jabs and long swipes inward. He let the drool in his mouth seep out onto the area and soon, it was shining with spit. He pushed harder with his shoulders so Jensen was nearly bent in half above him, then pulled the skin around the hole tight with his hands.

Jensen squealed as Jared's tongue speared inside of him brutally, thrusting with a fast pace. Each one went deeper until he felt Jared's lips flush with his hole. The tongue inside him made a slow rotation, hitting several spots inside that he hadn't known were so sensitive. He keened and rocked down against the intrusion.

Jared chuckled dirtily against his skin, causing the other man to undulate more against his face. Little gasps and moans left the other man's lips, but Jared wasn't satisfied. Reluctantly, he pulled his mouth away. "You can do better than that," he teased. He reached for the lube, letting a copious amount dribble over the spit soaked hole and two of his fingers. The pucker closed tightly at the colder sensation.

"Oh, FUCK," Jensen groaned when he felt one slender finger breech his entrance. It slid in deeply, filling him just enough to cause that strange feeling of invasion. Jared twisted it inside of him and brushed along his walls. "Yeah," he breathed out. His own hands came down to grab behind his knees, holding them out of the way so Jared could continue.

Jared shifted up on his knees, pumping his finger into Jensen carefully, gauging his responses as he moved it within him. When he saw the other man's cock leap and blurt more precum, he slid a second finger inside with the first.

Jensen's body tensed under the new sensation, and on hand came down to lock around Jared's wrist. "Slow," he panted, holding him still. He shut his eyes tightly, breathing through the foreign feeling until it wasn't so uncomfortable anymore. He released Jared's wrist, but reminded him, "Just....go real slow."

Fingers slid almost completely out, slow and long and perfect, before ratcheting back inside and twirling just so. They brushed delicately across that bundle of nerves inside and caused Jensen's hips to cant forward sharply. He gasped as he rode the sensation.

"Right there, huh, darlin'?" Jared smirked, crooking his fingers again. "Yeah, that's the spot." He scissored his fingers, letting one continue rubbing along Jensen's prostate while he eased the other man's hole open further. He dumped another dollop of lube inside and smeared it around generously.

Suddenly, Jensen's hips jerked, sending Jared's fingers deep inside him. "Shit, FUCK!" He released his legs and clamped both hands firmly over his balls, tugging. "You're gonna fuckin' kill me." His cock leapt and thrummed against his stomach. "I can't....just....can you just fuck me already?"

Jared breathed deeply, inhaling the thick scent of sex, musk, and sweat in the air with his eyes closed. His own cock jumped in anticipation. "Yeah," he agreed, shakily. "Yeah, darlin', I can."

He fumbled for the foil packet near Jensen's hip and tore into it as efficiently as his shaking hands could. He tugged the other pillow from the head of the bed down and jammed it beneath Jensen's hips so he had a better angle. He sheathed himself in latex, poured a thick amount of lube on top of him, shuffled forward, and pressed the head of his cock to Jensen's twitching hole.

He took another breath, hands holding Jensen open just so, then began sliding inside. Granted, he'd not been active sexually for nearly a year, but he was sure that he'd never before felt the perfection that was the inside of Jensen's body. He paused halfway through his initial thrust to judge Jensen's reaction.

Below him, the other man's neck was bowed back, tendons straining against tanned flesh. His teeth were clenched tightly over his lower lip, skin white where they bit in and held. Sweat dotted his forehead like the freckles on his face and he was panting out breaths at an alarmingly fast rate. Looking down, Jared noticed that his cock had flagged slightly, and he frowned.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked, genuinely concerned. He lifted a hand to stroke at the soft skin of Jensen's hip. "Because I'm okay with what we were doing before if I'm hurting..."

"No!" Jensen's eyes flew open, startled and wild. "Don't you fuckin' stop now," he hissed.

Jared felt the body underneath his start to relax, his cock sliding inside farther without him moving at all. He went with the glide, finally bottoming out and trembling with the force of staying still. The warm tunnel gripped him and squeezed in perfection. He groaned, leaning forward on his hands, bracing above Jensen's body. "I'm not gonna stop if you don't want me to. But I'm waiting until you're ready..."

Jensen gave him a weak smile, one hand snaking down to grip his near flaccid cock. He stroked down it twice, wincing as his hole clenched around Jared again. "You're so fuckin' big, man," he laughed. "Jesus Christ on a crutch, but you're big."


"I'm not lying either," he responded. He experimentally rocked his hips up, shuddering as Jared's cock hit far inside him. "Son of a bitch, that's good."



Jared made a tiny push forward, relishing the tight ripple that went over his cock, then slid out as slowly and smoothly as he could. "Oh, darlin'," he crooned, thrusting back in with care. "I don't know how slow I can keep this. So tight and perfect..."

"Do it, then." Dark green eyes, nearly covered with black bore into his. "Fuck me."

Jared heard the needy whine before he realized it came from him, hands gripping Jensen's hips and shoving forward with a strong thrust. The pillow crushed beneath the two of them as he began a steady pace. He tilted his hips with each thrust, seeking out the right angle.

A few minutes later, Jensen's back arched and his hand fell away from his cock. "Oh, holy shit," he cursed. "There....there...right fucking there..."

Blood started to fill Jensen's cock, making it plump before Jared's eyes. He swatted away Jensen's movement towards it. "Mine," he growled. He gripped the other man's cock, feeling that his hand was still tacky with leftover lube. He slid it up to the head, twisted slightly, then began a punishing rhythm.

Jensen howled as he was bombarded by pleasure - cock pounding into his prostate solidly and giant paw of a hand moving back and forth on his own dick. He moaned as his cock fattened completely. His hands scrabbled for purchase on Jared's sweat-slick biceps. "God, yeah....fuck me, Jared...yeah..."

Jensen felt the pinch of Jared's fingers pressing into his hipbones with each thrust. That was going to leave a mark in the morning... He felt his hole twitch and his cock leak more fluid at the thought. Something about having a reminder of this moment, about being marked up by this beautiful man, made his arousal soar.

Jared leaned forward, letting the friction of his hand and his body work Jensen's cock. The other man was making the softest, neediest sound he'd ever heard. His heart pounded in time with his hips. "Fuck, Jen, I'm gettin' close." He tucked his face up to Jensen's collarbone, letting his tongue swipe up a bit of sweat from the skin there.

Jensen's hole contracted again, and he began to scream as Jared's teeth sunk into the flesh at his collar, biting just on the side of pain. The realization that he'd have teeth marks there sent Jensen over the edge and he dug his fingernails into the other man's arms as he came.

As his cock exploded between them, he felt Jared's hips stutter and stop. From inside his body, he felt the spasms of the larger man's cock emptying itself into the condom. He held on tightly to Jared's arms and allowed the orgasm to rush through his body.

"Damn," Jared wheezed above him, arms starting to shake from exertion. "That was....yeah..." He leaned down and placed a soft kiss to Jensen's lips.

Jensen sighed, letting his arms fall away so Jared could roll over. "Agree." He winced at the ache between his legs, but smiled as the warm afterglow flowed over his body. The liquor was definitely catching up to him, as he felt comfortably exhausted.

Jared grinned at him, dimples in full force. "Best way to end the day." He stretched his arms over his head, then swung off the bed to discard the condom. Jensen made an unintelligible noise. Jared chuckled. "Wear you out, huh, darlin'?"

Jensen nodded sleepily, sliding the pillow loose from under his hips before curling up on the one under his head. Jared tugged the covers up over the other man's body. He stood back to admire the planes of his shoulders. "Gonna sleep then?"

"Can stay if you want," Jensen grunted, partially muffled by the pillow.

He wanted to wait for a reply, but the warmth and plushness of the bed overcame him and he let the alcohol and physical release drift him into slumber.

The cell phone rang out loudly, startling Jensen and sending his head into a dull throb. The song that came from the speakers reminded him that Chris had confiscated his phone briefly at the bar last night, giggling when he gave it back. No matter how much he loved Chris, he was not appreciative of "Red Solo Cup" as a means to waking up with a hangover.

Jensen glared at the phone with his one open eye. A number he didn't recognize flashed across the screen, so he swatted at it, blindly pressing the ignore button. Once the silence had been restored, he sighed in bliss and snuggled deeper into his bedding.

He had just started drifting off again when his phone let out a cheerful (preprogrammed thankfully) tone to announce that he'd received a text message. A glance showed the same strange number as the sender.

"What the hell," he grumbled, snagging the phone from its spot on the nightstand and pulling it down to his cozy nest of rumpled sheets. He refused to move more than necessary to send a scathing reply to the idiot who was waking him up. He peeked out at the alarm clock and was surprised to see that it was actually close to noon and that the tumbler from his bathroom was filled with water, sitting next to two aspirins. His head gave a sharp twinge behind one eye - he almost never slept this late, even when he wanted to. And he knew he hadn't gotten up for water....had he? Swiping the texting app open with his thumb, he frowned quizzically at the message.

*hey, Jensen this is Jared from last night*

Jensen felt his headache worsen and his stomach tighten as fuzzy memories of the taller man came rushing back with force. Jared was pretty much exactly his type - tall, broad shouldered but trim like a swimmer or a runner, long fingers, which meant more than adequate body parts southward. He'd have had to be blind not to be into Jared, but Jensen's own blatant flirting at the bar and his wanton actions afterwards sent a flush of embarrassment to his face, burning and tingling the skin on his cheeks. A peek down into his covers confirmed that he had fallen asleep naked and, if nothing else, he'd had one hell of a wet dream. The bed reeked and now that he was fully conscious, he felt the uncomfortable scratch of stiff spots on his bedding.

He frowned. That was not how he normally reacted to a pretty face he'd only just met, regardless of how much he wanted the other person. Usually, Jensen was the type to play it safe - keep his feelings guarded and his arousal at a low temperature around others. He was actually quite shy when it came to dating and could count the number of people he'd gotten intimate with on one hand. He was extremely careful ever since Tom...

Chris, however, found it utterly amusing to feed Jensen whiskey to allow the more outgoing side of his friend to come out. Jensen clearly recalled taking a couple of shots that Chris had handed him, mischievous glint in his eye. He had to remember to exact some sort of revenge for this mess he was in now....Before he could puzzle out what exactly he wanted to do about Chris, the phone sent out another happy ring as another message came across the screen.

*I just wanted to say thanks and that I had a great time. Wish I could've been there to say it in person, but duty calls. This is my personal cell, so no excuses from you if I don't hear back. Later*

"What the hell?" Jensen groaned, flopping over onto his back and then wincing at the dull throb that came from his ass. His eyes widened and the breath left his body in shock. "Oh, no..."

A couple hours and one long, hot shower later, Jensen had resigned himself to sulking on his sofa and staring blankly at the television. He'd actually had a one-night stand with the hottest guy he'd seen in a long time. He'd had a drunken hook-up with an actor on a popular television show. He'd....completely lost himself and all of his control and allowed his life to become some strange copy of everyone in his life he never wanted to be. At least he'd discovered the remains of the evening tied up in the trashcan, so no need to rush off to the store for an emergency set of pills. He shuddered at the thought. He wondered what Jared would think about it if something like that were to happen...

He looked down at his cell phone, open to the messages he'd received earlier in the day. He'd added the number to his contact list in a rush of romanticism, as if he'd use it in the future....Vaguely, he heard the sound of the front door to the apartment open and close.

"Hey, Ackles? You alive? And what the hell is this?" Christian came out of the front hallway and into the living room, holding a thin piece of dark leather in his hand.

Jensen quickly shuffled his phone down between his legs, ears burning at the thought that Chriscould tell what the texts said. Then he smiled tiredly at his roommate. Chris had obviously been out all night from the looks of it. His dark hair was combed up in a short ponytail and his clothes looked slept in. Jensen shifted gingerly on the couch to let his roommate sink down next to him, looking over at the item in his hand with passive interest. "Where'd that come from?"

"It was in the hallway on the floor." Chris turned it over in his palm, then held it out to Jensen to take. "Looks like some sort of rope thing..."

Jensen took it, held it up to his face closely, and then closed his eyes tightly. "It's a bracelet," he said, voice gritty from liquor and lack of sleep. At Chris's raised eyebrow, he continued. "Jared's. It must have came off when we were...."

Christian laughed gleefully and clapped one hand on Jensen's shoulder. "You're shitting me! Ackles got some action? Hell yes, dude! I wondered when I saw y'all leave in that cab looking all cozy, but I figured you'd keep those pants firmly on. Jesus. And with this bracelet being here means he has an excuse to come back. Looks like you've got yourself an admirer."

Jensen moaned as his headache returned full force. "Here," he said, handing the leather back to Chris. "Take it to the studio when you go next. I'm not sure I can look at him again."

"That bad, huh?" Chris teased, elbow sharply jabbing at his ribs. At Jensen's look, he waggled his eyebrows. "Oh, that good then....damn. It’s always the quiet ones."

At that moment, Jensen's phone began singing about plastic drinkware again. Chris laughed, asking why he hadn't already changed the ringtone back yet, and in his embarrassment, Jensen fumbled with the phone. It thumped to the floor, showing Jared's name proudly on screen and before Jensen could retrieve it, Chris had swiped it up. "Holy shit, man! He's calling you! Talk about sealing the deal!" He flicked his thumb across the screen to answer it, one hand batting Jensen's urgent hands away from the phone. "Why howdy, Mr. Padalecki! And how are you on this fine morning?"

Jensen sunk down into the couch cushions, one hand covering his eyes as if that could stop the chaos his love life was just about to explode into. He couldn't hear Jared's voice on the other end, so he was forced to listen to the one sided conversation. Chris's voice was syrupy sweet and full of Texas twang as he relaxed on the couch, eyes on Jensen.

"Well Jensen's sitting right next to me on the couch, looking like he had one helluva night. You know anything about that?....I wasn't home until about five minutes ago......oh, come on now, Jaybird, don't play the innocent card with me. I see how red this boy's ears are gettin' and I do believe he indicated that he had a right fabulous night last night....oh, really? Man, I'm not the press. You can spill. What you don't tell me, Jenny here will...."

Jensen lunged forward and grabbed the phone out of his friend's hand. He slammed his hand around the bottom of the phone and hissed at Chris, "Shut the hell up, Kane!" When Christian dissolved into laughter, Jensen stood up and headed towards his bedroom. Once safely inside his room, he cleared his throat and took his hand away from the phone. He could hear Jared's worried voice on the other end demanding a response. "Yeah, hey. Jared. Hi." He felt his ears burn once again with embarrassment.

"Jensen?" Jared sounded confused, but relieved at the same time. "Hey. Ummm...look, I'm on a break here on set, but I had to ask you..."

"Your bracelet is in the living room," Jensen blurted out, wincing at his abruptness. "I'll have Chris bring it by later this week if that's okay."

There was silence on the other end for a beat, then a light sigh. "Actually, I wanted to ask you to dinner."



"At a restaurant?"

"Well, actually, I was thinking about having you stop by set. I work pretty late evenings so it's hard for me to get away...but I thought maybe you wouldn't mind a set tour and some awesome Greek stuff the lady down in craft services dishes up on Thursdays?"

Jensen cringed. "Look," he began, wiping a hand over his eyes, "I'm not really...I mean last night was fun and all...but I don't even know you that well and I’m not sure this is a good idea."

"Oh."It came out like someone had punched Jared in the stomach and Jensen couldn't help but feel guilty for causing that disheartened feeling. He swallowed thickly and waited. "Okay, um....well...yeah. So, I've got to be back on set in a few minutes, so I'll just let you go then and I'll see you around."

"Yeah," Jensen agreed. "I'll have Christian bring you your bracelet later this week, then."

"No...that's okay. Just keep it. Or have Chris keep it. Or toss it. It's fine," the younger man said, voice sounding strangled and thin. "No big." After a few seconds, he added, "I just…I thought, you know, since we both didn’t do the one night thing anymore that this was something else. But I guess I was wrong." Jensen could hear Jared cough lightly, away from the phone as if he was holding it from his face. "It was an eye-opening experience."

Before Jensen could respond, the line was dead. He drew a long breath and sagged down onto his bed, head pounding and throat tight unexpectedly. A soft knock on his door made him look up and he tossed his phone onto the bed as Chris walked into the room.

"Tell me you did not just blow off Jared Padalecki," his roommate asked, worry evident in his voice.

Jensen sighed in defeat. "It's best I don't let anything distract me right now. I’ve barely got time enough to practice for the album, let alone date. Jared's a nice guy...."

"Don't give me that crap, Ackles. Jared's a great guy.”

“He’s an actor. Living in L.A. With tons of people willing to throw themselves at him - myself apparently included. I'm not ready to deal with all that crap again.” Jensen managed to look ashamed.

“Jared’s not like that. From what I’ve seen, he doesn’t screw around and he’s genuine. You can trust me on this.” Chris studied him a moment, then walked over to the photos on the corkboard. One finger fiddled with the corner of the photo of the two of them. “I know, though, what this is about. You're just scared that you had a fantastic evening with a hot guy that you may end up repeating because you got on so well with him. But you’re scared he’ll run off and pretend you were never in the picture and leave you with one hell of a mess to clean up.” He turned back to his friend, forehead crinkled in frustration. “He’s not Tom, man.”

Jensen bowed his head and rubbed at his eyes. “Tom stays out of this conversation, Chris.”

“Damn right, lover boy. Tom's long gone and good riddance. Jared wouldn't do you like Tom did and I think deep down you know that. You could see yourself falling for him. And it scares you to death."

Jensen shifted uncomfortably on the bed, pressing a wrinkle out of the bedspread. "I don't get scared, asshole."

Chris let out a howl of laughter and slapped Jensen on the back. "Sure, whatever. You haven't exactly been back in the saddle since the Number One Douche told you to make like a tree, though. Which is understandable, considering. But I even set you up with Joanna and somehow you escaped her, too. You are missing out with her, by the way."

"We were better as friends and you know that. She's awesome, but I'm just..."

"Into dick more?" Chris waggled his eyebrows suggestive. "I don't know much about that myself, but I do know that Jared has giant hands.....and you know what they say about a guy with big hands..."

Jensen blushed crimson. "Oh, God, shut up."

"Okay, enough cock talk. But you know damn well that boy strikes your fancy and if he's already calling you for another date, he must have enjoyed himself last night, too. You’re seein’ my point then, aren’t ya?”

"My music," Jensen started.

Chris stopped him with a firm hand up. "No, man. You're scared you'll actually let someone in again and you're using your career as an excuse to run away.” He stood up, tossing the leather bracelet onto the comforter. “You let him go now? You’ll be kickin’ yourself in the ass for the rest of your life - music career or not.”

Jensen sat on his bed for a long time, staring at the coil of leather beside him. He couldn’t bring himself to throw it in the trashcan. It seemed wrong somehow, even with Jared’s permission. He ultimately wandered over to the corkboard near his door and tacked it up in the topmost corner. If his heart hurt more than his head did, that was nobody’s business but his own.

Part 2

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driven, reversebang, j2 au

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