Title: Heart In Ashes 3/?
not_from_starsFandom: Supernatural
Pairing/Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Castiel
Rating/Category: PG-13/Gen
Summary: Winchesters love deeply and completely. So do Singers.
Words: 700
Heart In Ashes 3/? )
Comments 3
I just wanted to tell you that you are one of my yardsticks for how well my SPN fic is going over. I know that if something doesn't work, you'll tell me and I'm always excited to see what you have to say about it. :)
I'm working on the next part to this one and "All Roads Where They Lead".
I honestly thing you stuff is great. Everything I've read so far has been on point and you get into their heads and the emotions you make them feel are things that pop through my head to when I look at them LOL so yeah...
I'm super excited for the next part of both! Hehe :-D
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