Title: Tears
Pairing: Eunhae, Eunhyuk and Donghae
Genre: angst
words: 430
One shot
Summary: Eunhyuk watched him cry, not being able to dry his tears.
A/N: So... another angst.. one shot. I watched the last part of the special documentary today and when I saw Donghae in front of his father's grave I thought of this. Yeah.
Here goes~
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Eunhyuk watched Donghae's shivering body from the behind, not being able to move. He didn't try to take away the pain that his loved one was feeling because he knew Donghae's undying love for his father. He knew that even if he tried he wouldn't succeed.
Eunhyuk holded an black umbrella above him wanting to capture Donghae under it so he wouldn't get wet, but it was already too late. Donghae's tears were already mixed with the heavy rain coming down from the sky.
It pained him to watch Donghae like that. His warm and gentle eyes were now full of nothing but pain and regret. His body shivered because of the cold rain, but despite this he made no move to come with him under the umbrealla.
Before Eunhyuk knew it tears were coming down on his cheeks and he was reaching out his hand hoping that Donghae would take it, but he didn't even notice it.
His back view had never seemed so lonely, so fragile.
Please don't cry.
Eunhyuk told Donghae inside his mind, as if the other one would hear it.
Don't cry.
Eunhyuk's hand fell back next to him, because no one had ever noticed in the first place. Eunhyuk didn't know what to do. His loved one was in so much pain but he couldn't do anything to take it away. There was absoletly nothing he could do - and he knew this.
Nothing could erase the memory of Donghae's father from his mind. It was impossible. There was nothing that would replace it either, that too was impossible.
Eunhyuk's body moved on it's own, as it took an step closer to the fragile one. His legs took one more step and soon Donghae was under the large umbrella with him, and Eunhyuk finally could see the tears rolling down on his cheeks. The other made no move to show him that he had noticed him there, but Eunhyuk knew that he had.
Eunhyuk cried and holded Donghae's hand - even though he knew that it wouldn't help.
Once so warm eyes.. once so happy lips..
I love you, Eunhyuk wanted to tell to the other, but the words were stuck on his throath. They didn't come out, no matter how hard Eunhyuk tried.
Donghae tightened his grip on his hand while crying harder, closing his red eyes, not wanting to look at the grave stone anymore.
Eunhyuk cried silently at the sight.
I'm so sorry, He thought, Not being able to dry your tears.
Eunhyuk too closed his eyes not wanting to look at Donghae and his painful face.
I love you.
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