First off, this is dedicated to
pointblankdarcy, for loving Stark possibly more than anyone else in the world ever :p
Usually, I love an actor immediately, with the force of a thousand burning suns. Case in point: Askars, McAvoy, Fassbender...Very rarely do I start off liking an actor and then slowly, very slowly, deciding I want to be best friends with them. This was the case with Stark Sands. I started off kind of not caring and now I love him so much I hate him.
It's unsurprising to find out I first came across Stark in Generation Kill. I liked him from the get go, but he was overshadowed by my love of Alexander Skarsgard. With every rewatch of Generation Kill, I loved him more. Even if he always looks on the verge of crying. He is adorable and a really great actor.
Credit: my own picspam >.>
He plays Nate Fick in Generation Kill - a truly interesting character. Incredibly different to the rest of the characters. He plays a character that's struggling with a lot of things - his idealism vs reality, what he thinks is right vs what he should be doing, what's best for his men vs what his orders are - and you can really see that in Stark's acting. He doesn't have an immediate stand out character, a character that you cannot help but remember, like Ray Person or Brad Colbert, but there's something captivating about Nate, in his angst, in the separation he has, in the loneliness he has as an officer.In the fact he's the only 12 year old in the Marines.
Credit: I have no idea.
I think, in one of our many flail sessions, Nadia pointed out the film
Die, Mommie, Die! to me. I think she used this video:
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Basically, in this film, he is painfully adorable. It's a great film, and you should watch it, but oh my god, Stark. FBOInaisgn. Just. I CAN DO ELOQUENCE ABOUT GENERATION KILL. I cannot do eloquence about this film because it is completely ridiculous and wonderful and just nsigpdngonaso.
THOSE ARMS...source:
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here And then, as if I didn't already love him enough, I found out he could sing. Really fucking well. Please allow me to demonstrate:
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And if that wasn't enough reasons to convince you he is the most adorable over grown 12 year old on the planet and worthy of your love, plz allow me to spam the fuck out of you with pictures.
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here Also, yeah, his full name is Stark Bunker Sands. HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE SOMEONE WITH A NAME AS RIDICULOUS AS THAT.