(no subject)

Nov 20, 2010 13:37

Dear self, when you have to get up at 10 so you can revise and write before your 8 hour shift at work...DON'T GO TO BED AT 5AM JFC WHAT WERE YOU THINKING.

I blame Wales, that is all.

Anyway! New friends! So, quick introduction because I've still not done my introduction post again.

Hi~ I'm Emily/Pookie/Maz. Take your pick or make up a new one. I'm a student, and rn, I'm in the middle of exams which is why my LJ is pretty dead. My last one is on Monday though, so I should get less sucky soon ;_; When I'm not at school, I'm...probably shopping. I have issues with shopping. I fund my shopping habit by working in a kitchen. I'm the dish monkey, but I'm also learning to make food. Soon, I will be the GOD OF SPRING ROLLS. It's a good job and it funds my habits, so everything's cool.

I live in Spain, but I'm British. English, specifically, but I'm more likely to just say British. I've lived in Spain for about 5 years, and I'm still not sure if I like it. Unless it's Madrid, in which case I know I love it.

I have a ~variety of fandoms and I write original fiction which can be found over at neonremedy. I'm also slowly, very, very slowly breaking into fanfiction because despite having been writing since I was about...nine, fanfic scares me. My stuff (aka one proper thing right now) is posted at THF but I have a few things posted over here  at promptbingo.

Anyway. Fandoms. I'm (quite obviously) a huge TH fan, though I can get very bitchy about the fandom at times >.> Harry Potter is my other big one, mostly in part to hogwartsishome (though I'm not active at the moment). Other fandoms are Queer As Folk (US), Torchwood, Doctor Who (but not the current series), Adam Lambert (not American Idol~), Glee, Supernatural and Skins. I'm not too active in most fandoms, but I'm always willing to talk about them and I love fic recs <3

My twitter is @etacanis, feel free to follow me, I tend to follow back and it's only private because my parents know my username :3 I tweet a lot because...I have a crackberry, basically.

I think that's it! Feel free to ask any questions.

BBS. I'm reading a lot of fic atm~ Would anyone be interested in fic recs? It'd...probably be mostly TH/HP and I only read fic for one ship in each fandom (twincest/drarry LALALA DON'T JUDGE ME I COULD SHIP JEDWARD) but occasionally~ I make brief forays into TW/SPN fic, and occasionally Glee. It'd probably be all R+ though, because I'm a dirty fuck.

ALSO HOW IS EVERYONE? Lmk what's been going on with your life~ Has anything interesting happened?

ETA~ Also, you guys are totally welcome to IM me if you let me know who you are :3 My AIM accounts are kaulitztho and etacanis. I'm on both all the time, but etacanis tends to be a bit finicky. My msn is etacanis@live.com and I'm on there all the time too :)

ETA2~ I'm bored, so here's more crap~

I love history, specifically Russian history. I am very picky, and it drives people up the wall because I tend to correct things all the time. I probably count as a communism geek. I'm a language geek, and I'm learning Russian and German. If we want to get picky, I've been learning German for about five years...but you know. I'm more or less fluent in both English and Spanish too :) I talk about my friends a lot, namely Rex (20 y/o, male, German, hates Tokio Hotel with a fiery burning passion but he loves me anyway :3 We've been friends for about 7 years now), Phil (18 y/o, female, English, doesn't really hate anything and she winds me up all the time but I love her, friends for about 2 years now, nearing 3) and Vagina/J/ foryouforever  (19...I think :3 We have hilarious conversations and I post them a lot even though they never make sense. IDEK HOW LONG I'VE KNOWN HER. LIKE, SINCE MARCH).

Uh. What else. I'm an atheist, but I'm currently in a more agnostic state. It varies, I don't know what I am but I love learning about religions. I'm far more likely to rant than complain about anything, and I feel awkward when I make ~emo posts so they're usually private. I'm always willing to talk to anyone if they need to though, I just feel too fit into the role of "obligatory amusing one who's kind of an idiot but is there to cheer you up" to complain about things or feel sad for too long. But yeah. I rant a lot.

I have a cat, Morrissey, and I love you if you get the name. A dog too, Taz. Taz is a sweetheart and Morrissey is a batshit demon cat, but I love him anyway.

I'm currently procrastinating because I have work in 20 minutes and despite my loving this shift, it's still work. I procrastinate a lot, but I hate it. I hate people who can't manage time because...I don't know why, it just annoys me. I'm incredibly organized, but it's a messy organization. I hate being late, or other people being late.

Uh, I live in Southern Spain, near Marbella tbp. Malaga is a nice city, but Madrid is my favourite.

Uhhh. I like piercings, and I have 2/4. I wear two - my lip and my tragus and I have both lobes pierced but I don't wear anything in them. I'm also getting a tongue piercing, possibly next month if I have the money :3

Uh yeah. I need to get ready now~

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