Title: After the Party
Pairing: Evan Lysacek/Johnny Weir (with Adam/Alex, Stephen/Adam, Drew/Jeremy as the support act)
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 689
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The events described in the story are not real. Not intended as libel, no money is being made.
A/N: For
xmorghanax who asked for E/J in the
drabble meme. I know this is a
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Comments 14
This is the first time I ever felt sympathy for Evan.
"Johnny wants Starbucks first, sex later"
Diva <3
And you know that Johnny cannot function without his dose of caffeine!
I think I would take E/J in any form, too. <3
There is the official party. And the official after party. And then there is the after party to the after party, at which point almost everyone is drunk and/or frustrated enough to drop the façade and just be whatever they want to be for once.
In practice, that basically means that people are either making out, depressed because they are not making out… or they are Johnny Weir.
I love this part, it's exactly how I imagine things go after a competition! *g*
BGJW is so much fun, as is Johnny - I'm glad you discovered him! And ah, the Evan/Johnny Rivalry. They are still my OTP, after all these years. Feel free to stalk as much as you like, though sadly, I haven't written anything in a long time.
When I saw all the chemistry they had I suddenly got a huge craving for fic. I did a small happy dance when I found yours. I love your characterizations of both Johnny and Evan, they are exactly how I imagine them to be. :-)
*sends plot!bunnies your way* ;-)
hope you don't mind that i friended you, bb. i've been reading E/J fics like crazy for the past month lol you're one of my favorites! :D
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