I was poking the internet the other day trying to get some info for a fic I might start thinking about, and I found some (what I thought was) kinda cool stuff. My apologies if anyone's found this already and linked to it or whatever. I tend to be missing things these days *g*
I was thinking about how in, what was it, Salvation, I guess, that Sam finds out that the demon came for him on his actual six month birthday. And that's the whole thing about the baby in Salvation, it's her six month birthday too.
So I was thinking, NOTHING in this show is random, as we're seeing more and more lately. (both
researchgrrrl and
destina had AWESOME meta over the weekend re: episode 2.01, which just proves my point about Kripke being more of an evil genius than anything else.) I figured there has to be SOME sort of signifigance to the six month old birthday, right?
I tried googling 'six month old baby urban legends' the other day, and found pretty much a bunch of crap. But when you google books under the search of 'six month old baby urban legends,' your second hit is for a book called
The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocolypse.
The link itself brings you to a restricted page - and I'm not sure I'm interested enough to actually *purchase* the book - but when you take that and then google 'the nephilim' from the title, your very first hit is
this page which states:
"The Sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose."
- Genesis 6:2
"Some commentators believe that the expression 'sons of God' refers to the 'godly line' of Seth and 'daughters of men' to women from the line of Cain."
"The "Book of Giants" was another literary work concerned with Enoch, widely read (after translation into the appropriate languages) in the Roman empire....The 'giants' were believed to be the offspring of fallen angels (the Nephilim; also called Watchers) and human women."
- Robert Eisman and Michael Wise, "The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered"
That's pretty cool, huh? I mean, there are so many different pages which say that exact thing: the nephilim are a product of a fallen angel and a mortal woman.
Plus, I have to wonder if this is just a happy accident, but the nephilim were considered GIANTS when they were first discovered. There are quotes all over the place about how these men were feet taller than anyone else, etc etc, and man, again, happy accident that JP is ridiculously huge? Or does that actually even *mean* something.
This page is fabulous. It seems to be linked from the book itself, but states things like:
The Nephilim ,Biblical Giants , Human/Angel Half breeds?, Human/Alien Half breeds ?, Fallen Angels, Demons, or all of the above ?
"Nephilim" is a Hebrew word whose basic meaning is "those who have fallen." Alternate Translations dependant upon the context in which it is used "those who fall upon," in the sense of invaders or hostile and violent men, such as in Eziekel 32:20.
The origination of the Nephilim begins with a story of the fallen angels. Originating in the "Book of Enoch" Shemhazai, an angel of high rank, led a sect of angels in a descent to earth to instruct humans in righteousness. The mission lasted for a few centuries, but soon the soldiers/missionaries/angels became corrupted in their lusting after human females. After lusting, the fallen angels instructed the women in magic and conjuring, mated with them, and produced offspring, who would later be referred to as the Nephilim.
Here were another few paragraphs I liked:
Now, in Genesis 6:1-4, the offspring of the Sons of God and the daughters of men are called Nephilim, who are the "heros of old, the men of renown." Literally, the word nephilim means "the fallen ones" and is a common euphemism for "the dead" in Hebrew. Forexample, in Jeremiah 6:15, "They will fall among the fallen
[Hebrew, nopelim]. In Ezekiel 32:27, the Nephilim are fallen warriors:
Elsewhere, the Nephilim are giants who were native inhabitants of Canaan. In Numbers 13:33, they advise Moses "All the people whom we saw in its midst were people of great size there we saw the Nephilim - the Anaqim are part of the Nephilim - and we seemed in our own eyes like grasshoppers, and so we must have seemed in their eyes."
So... Sam is what, half angel? Half demon? Does anyone know anything more on the biblical side of this at all?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand, there's my crazypants SPN rambling for the day!
In other news,
this is my new happy place, and
THIS is my new horny place. Yeah, baby, it's all about Jensen.