Title: The Last Time (Maybe)
Pairing(s): Alan Smith/Darren Fletcher
Rating: R
Warning(s): Slightly angst-flavoured. Written from Darren's POV.
Summary: Darren deals with Alan's move to newcastle.
Author’s Notes: This comes late, I know - I wanted to write it ages ago, but I just didn't manage to, what with all the packing and stuff x/ Well,
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Comments 17
I really liked the flow of the fic and the ending was gorgeous.
“Take some of mine. Shouldn’t be a problem, I can send yours over once they’re dry.”
(Deep inside, you know that you won’t.)
beautiful ♥
I thought I'd write poor Darren serious for once after he has to suffer all this weird dance movements and self-hypnosis accidents I write him into.. ;P
i am in love with your writing. and your ability to grasp each characterisations. darren is so fcking adorable. ♥ and the addition of the shrek and wayne's autobiography and his thoughts and everything. perfect. *bows down to you*
thank you for this. :)
perfect. *bows down to you*
*blushes furiously upon reading this and bows down as well, melting a tiny little bit in the progress* aw, thank you just so much! :D
and, adding wayne's autpbiography was a must-do. because i am so madly in love with it. as i say, it's not the most philosphical book ever. but he's brave and writes it just the way it is. which is ♥
(oy, alan/darren icons ftw. :P)
Absolutely :D
( and now I feel guilty for making you feel guilty. in a ...weird and good sort of way :P thank you so much for your comment and the flowera! ^^ )
It doesn't happen very often either that people are speechless because of something I did >_> *is speechless because of your speechlessness* *hugs you*
i love them dudes, and i loved this fic.
Poor Darren, *giggles* He's such a cute geek.
I loved the ending “Take some of mine. Shouldn’t be a problem, I can send yours over once they’re dry.”
(Deep inside, you know that you won’t.)
And thanks so much for your lovely comment, as well :))
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