FIC: Broken English - Part 15 - (Giles/Ethan) - R

Sep 19, 2012 22:17

And my little G/E road movie/dreamspace journey continues... this time we catch a glimpse of the past....
Only a short update, sorry, but the dialogue in the next section still needs a bit of polish

TITLE: Broken English Part 15
PAIRING: Giles/Ethan
RATING: will eventually be R
SPOILERS: Set after 8x04 The Long Way Home (comics); set in Germany, btw
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ethan, giles, fanfic

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Comments 6

hawk_soaring September 19 2012, 23:02:05 UTC
Ooh! Interesting! Can't wait to see where this leads.


estepheia September 21 2012, 05:33:53 UTC
:) Thank you for your feedback. The knowledge that there are readers waiting for an update really helps!


shapinglight September 20 2012, 12:23:36 UTC
I love this dreamspace stuff. Can't wait to find out why Giles is there.


estepheia September 21 2012, 05:36:31 UTC
I can't tell you how glad I am that I finally made a lot of progress with this story. Your feedback and encouragement helped a lot!
I won't have a lot of time to write today (we're driving to a concert in Berlin), but the next update should be out on Saturday or Sunday. Maybe I'll write in the car ;)


I am loving this anonymous September 20 2012, 14:25:57 UTC
I so love this. I also hate the hints of bad things to come, but that's a sign of good writing. You're keeping me interested, and you're keeping me believing in these characters and these actions/reactions. JB


Re: I am loving this estepheia September 21 2012, 05:37:53 UTC
I am very happy to hear that. Thank you!


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