FIC: Broken English - Part 13 - (Giles/Ethan) - R

Sep 16, 2012 18:49

Yay, two chapters in two days! More plot. Gearing up for the last major sequence before the end. Next chapter is already finished. Will post it tomorrow.

TITLE: Broken English Part 12
PAIRING: Giles/Ethan
RATING: will eventually be R
SPOILERS: Set after 8x04 The Long Way Home (comics); set in Germany, btw
PROMPT: a vacation or roadtrip, magic, slash
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fanfiction, ethan

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Comments 4

shapinglight September 16 2012, 18:05:49 UTC
Eeek! Now you've posted and I don't have time to read.

I will be back.


shapinglight September 16 2012, 22:12:43 UTC
Back again. That was a terrific chapter. I loved their journey. It's like they're caught up in the Wild Hunt.

And bad, wicked Ethan. He shouldn't go trespassing in Giles's dreams.


estepheia September 16 2012, 22:43:27 UTC
Come on, you didn't expect Ethan to resist the opportunity, did you?
I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I was worried that it might be too plotty and not shippy enough. The thing is, giles and Ethan don't strike me as particularly romantic or sentimental. IMHO that makes it difficult to make them connect, especially without alcohol ;)

Anyway, thank you for being such a faithful reader and feedbacker! *hug*


shapinglight September 18 2012, 13:08:04 UTC
No, to me that makes sense. I think Giles's feelings about Ethan will definitely have changed, even if the reverse isn't true.


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