FIC: Broken English - Part 11 - (Giles/Ethan) - R

May 28, 2012 15:21

I haven't posted a chapter in years. *feels guilty* But I have often pored over this fic. I suppose when you lose the initial impetus, it's hard to get back on track. When the wrong side of the brain takes over, you analyze (and edit) everything to death instead of just running with the bunny for the sheer fun of it.
This isn't my favourite section ( Read more... )

fanfiction, ethan

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Comments 8

shapinglight May 28 2012, 14:40:40 UTC
I really should re-read the rest of the story before embarking on a new chapter, because it's been a while and I've forgotten it. But I was so excited when I saw you posting a new one that I jumped right in and read it.

For one thing, I hope some f/b will encourage you to keep going. :)

Anyway, now I definitely have to refresh my memory for the plot, but the character interaction is just great, as always.


estepheia May 28 2012, 14:47:21 UTC
Hey, it's been five years since the last chapter - no wonder you've forgotten. Heck, I've had to re-read it several times, because my memory got so hazy... and it's not exactly a fast-moving story...

I'm truly glad you are still interested in this slightly geriatric fic :)
Thank you for leaving fb. I'm relieved if the interaction works, because I no longer "hear" the characters as clearly in my head.

I am a bit impatient with this part, I wish I could jump ahead to my favourite sections....


shapinglight May 28 2012, 16:15:14 UTC
I'm sure you'll find the character voices come back to you if you persist. And of course I'm still interested. :)


new chapter hermuchlearning May 29 2012, 11:53:51 UTC
What a lovely thing to find this morning! It may have been quite some time since you last wrote, but this still seems fresh. Voices are spot on and the story keeps me wanting more. Please!


Re: new chapter estepheia May 29 2012, 19:29:24 UTC
Awww, thank you. That is very reassuring. :) Thank you for your feedback!!!!


Monday, May 28th livejournal May 29 2012, 15:08:00 UTC
User rahirah referenced to your post from Monday, May 28th saying: [...] Broken English - Part 11 [...]


1_mad_squirrel June 21 2012, 04:48:34 UTC
Oh nifty! I hope there's more of this soon. :)


estepheia September 15 2012, 12:51:54 UTC
I have to apologize, for not replying to you feedback sooner. Thank you for reading Broken English - I know I'm a snail's pace writer and feeling terribly guilty about it.

I can only promise that I will eventually get this one finished. I KNOW I can do it.

I just posted a new chapter, a longer one, and I am making good progress on the next chapter. So, I hope you'll stick around. :)


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