Friendship Ficathon Master List (Final version)

Jun 12, 2005 17:03

At long last! All the authors who signed up for this got their requests written, thanks to several generous back-up authors, who deserve a resounding round of applause for this!!! This is the complete master list. 62 stories in all! Please pimp it outside of LJ too, so that these stories get the attention they deserve. Share the fandom love! Thank you. (And I promise, this is the last repost of this.... ;-)

_elektra wrote for fluffybkitty: Sandcastles and Rainstorms (Gunn & Wes)
agilebrit wrote for a dropout: Do-Gooders (Gunn & Spike)
aimeelicious wrote for pepperlandgirl4: Paranormal Physics (Spike & Wesley)
aliasagent wrote for semby: Visiting the Big Apple (Willow & Dawn)
bashipforever wrote for spikes_heart: Science Gone Awry (Gunn, Spike, Dawn & Buffy)
callmesandy wrote for vampedVixen: Not a Day of Rue (Buffy & Xander)
calove wrote for julietdemarcus: The Dealing Thing (Spike & Dawn)
calvina wrote for willshenilshe: the art of (breathing) (Xander & Tara)
deadsoul820 wrote for hieispike: Hubcap Diamondstar Halo (Spike & Darla)
doyle_sb4 wrote for willowgreen: Drive my Car (Spike & Joyce)
emella wrote for nicole_anell: Cave in (Spike & Willow)
essene wrote for libco: The Supernatural Opera (Spike & Gunn)
fluffybkitty wrote for ladymela99: You just have to look for the wonderful (Xander & Fred)
flurblewig wrote for mikelesq: Open for Business (Connor & Faith)
flurblewig wrote for soundingsea: Picking up Strays (Dawn & Justine) *
glossing wrote for synnful_trixx: Loons Like Us (Fred & Spike) *
goddess_loki wrote for silvertedy: Unlikely Friends (Cordelia & Gwen)
hieispike wrote for nwhepcat: Graveyard at Noontime (Xander & Tara)
Inlovewithnight wrote for itsabigrock: Boys' Night (Angel & Gunn)
itsabigrock wrote for deadsoul820: Lack of Artistry (Dru & Darla)
karabair wrote for doyle_sb4: Perfect Happiness (Buffy & Nina & Angel)
kurukami wrote for soundingsea: Cavalry (Gwen & Faith)
ladycat777 wrote for secondverse: Nestling - Shadowverse Fic 1 (Spike & Xander & Dawn) *
ladycat777 wrote for karabair: In Memoriam - Shadowverse Fic 2 (Buffy & Tara) (Please read fic 1 first)
libco wrote for aimeelicious: There Was Singing (Spike & Gunn)
liliaeth wrote for emella: In concert (Spike & Xander & Dawn)
mahaliem wrote for xbitexmyxlipx: Reference Assistance (Xander & Giles) *
Marenfic wrote for niuserre: Nobody Girl (Dawn & Oz)
married_n_mich wrote for tinpanalley: A Girl's Night Out (Faith & Lilah)
meri_sefket wrote for settiai: The Dark Avenger and Boy Wonder (Wesley & Angel)
mikelesq wrote for mosca: On a Clear Day You Can See Culver City (Gunn & Anne)
missmurchison wrote for calvina: Broken Records (Buffy & Faith & Lorne & Giles) *
mommanerd wrote for callmesandy: Noshing With the Slayer (Buffy & Clem) *
moosesal wrote for calove: Brad Pitt in a Leather Skirt (Spike & Tara)
mosca wrote for zandra_x: Of Awkwardness (Giles & Anya)
niuserre wrote for kurukami: Visitor (Dawn & Oz)
niuserre wrote for raedbard: Someone to Talk to (Giles & Wesley)
nwhepcat wrote for a dropout: Annunciation (Willow & Faith)
tx_cronopio wrote for bashipforever: Demon Coffee Break (Angel & Oz)
pepperlandgirl4 wrote for moosesal: Old Max (Wesley & Gunn)
raedbard wrote for flurblewig: The LA Experience (Buffy & Ethan)
Secondverse wrote for thomasina75: Winner Takes All (Spike & Anya)
semby wrote for carebear173: When in Rome... (Willow & Xander & Buffy)
settiai wrote for Tx_cronopio: Familar Faces (Giles & Oz)
settiai wrote for _elektra: Future Promises (Wesley & Dawn) *
Silvertedy wrote two stories for southernbangel: "A Cleveland State of Mind" & "Reality Television" Go here
soundingsea wrote for marenfic: Extremidade Do Mundo (Oz & Nina)
southernbangel wrote for goddess_loki: Lost Promises (Lindsey & Fred & Wes)
sp23 wrote for agilebrit: The Beginning of... (Spike & Wesley) *
synful_trixx wrote for Inlovewithnight: The Reason (Fred & Angel)
tesla321 wrote for liliaeth: June Evening (Spike & Dawn) *
thomasina75 wrote for jadelennox: Caught in The Crossfire (Xander & Tara)
tinpanalley wrote for married_n_mich: The Odd Couple (Faith & Andrew)
vampedvixen wrote for wisdomeagle: Sad Goodbye, Sweet Hello (Fred and Cordy)
wesleysgirl wrote for ladycat777: Fashionably Late (Spike & Dawn & Tara) *
Willowgreen wrote for essene: Smoke And Memories (Spike & Faith, Giles & Dawn)
wisdomeagle wrote for aliasagent: Romantic Comedies (Buffy & Tara)
wisdomeagle wrote for meri_sefket: Ways They've Always Been Friends (Willow & Xander) *
xbitexmyxlipx wrote for kuku4wikka: In Lieu of Chocolate (Angel & Cordelia)
zandra_x wrote for niuserre: Sadder And Wiser Girls (Anya, Illyria)


* denotes stories written by replacement authors who deserve an extra special applause!!!

PS: If I've forgotten to list a story, or if you wrote your fic and never received one in return, please let me know and I'll try to rectify the oversight ASAP.


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