Write Every Day! December- Day 2

Dec 03, 2017 01:36

Today I woke up with a sore throat, so my productivity was mainly contained to going out for chicken and lemons and ginger and meds, and spending the rest of the day drinking vast amounts of hot lemon/ginger/honey, because I really don't want to be sick this week. But at least I managed another hour of editing, which pretty much got the first chapter of my Christmas fic ready for posting tomorrow.

Last month, I came up with the stupid idea of writing a four part Christmas fic so that I'd get to post a chapter every Advent Sunday - but what it really means is that together with the slavefic WIP, I now have TWO chapters to edit per week this month, argh...

Day 1 ( LJ|DW):
miss_morland and me (8/8 so far)

Let me know if I missed you or you wrote something, but haven't checked-in yet! Likewise, feel free to join in at any time!

Entry originally posted to DW: https://esteliel.dreamwidth.org/464230.html (
comments). Comments are welcome in either place.

write every day

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