
Jan 20, 2009 13:59

I'm not sure if anyone missed me, but I've made a few (23) icons recently that I'd like to share. :) See the tags to see who I've iconed.

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leighton meester, michelle trachtenberg, emma watson, scarlet johanson, taylor swift, nicole richie, blake lively, jennifer aniston

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Comments 4

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gumlets January 23 2009, 02:41:25 UTC
thanks :)
not a clue.. i found them in some random request post =/ i was trying to find inspiration and iconed any pictures i could find.. so .. random pictures :)


venture January 20 2009, 23:17:02 UTC
saving taylor. sooo much pretty right there.


gumlets January 23 2009, 02:41:43 UTC
thank you :)


chanelamore January 23 2009, 18:29:32 UTC
Lovely batch! Taking the Nicole icons ^_^


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