Essdara meets Rysia

Mar 17, 2006 22:59

Essdara meets Rysia


Rysia arrives through the long tunnel that comes from the lower caverns.

Essdara is sitting at a table near the entrance to the kitchens, her brows furrowed in concentration as she carefully administers colored sugar to what appears to be a cake.

Rysia makes her way in from the Bowl, arms crossed in front of her, rubbing at her upper arms, as she makes her way towards the food table. Not in any hurry for once, there is still a glancing collision or three on her way there.

Essdara sits back, blue done, and stretches, commenting to noone in particular, "Shard it, I hate this part. Making the things look pretty." She glances around the cavern, and the person bouncing off others on her way to the food tables, and she smiles a bit.

Rysia gets to the table with only a couple more bruises for her collection, and goes about filling a plate with finger food. That done, she turns around - wobbles a bit, and camps down at the table near the kitchens. "'lo. Hope you don't mind company. Bit dizzy."

Essdara tilts her head a bit, "No, ma'am, of course not. Are you ok? I can get you a healer, if you are feeling dizzy... It's never a good thing." She carefully moves the cake, though, away from Rysia a bit. "You certainly look off-balance..."

Rysia offers a bit of grin, "Oh, that's normal. And ain't much for healers to be doin' - got a mouthful of Bollian brew on an empty stomach. Ain't much ta do besides eat, y'know?" And with that, and only weaving a little bit, she picks up a meatroll and starts to nibble at it.

Essdara smiles a bit at that, "Yes, ma'am, a full stomach should help. The meatrolls are good today, I made a lot of them myself, so know of what I speak. I'm Essdara, by the way... I don't think we've met before?"

Rysia offers a slight little wave with the aforementioned 'roll, "Rysia - help out the weavers, though not apprenticed, or any such. Might have, don't remember tho. Probably seen you about tho? Unless you're new?"

Essdara shakes her head, "No, not new, but I don't get out of the kitchens all that much, 'cept to walk or jog around the bowl. Sometimes to the records, but I've read most of the ones that interest me, so. But, today I am out here, because someone burnt... Something... In there and I couldn't take the smell, and cause sitting down to make a cake look pretty is easier for me."

Rysia wrinkles her nose, "I'd ask if it was 'Sar, but there'd be much more yellin'. Well, it's nice to meet yah, Essdara, an' if the dizzy strikes my memory, just remind me tomorrow." A couple more bites, and that's one meatball to help soak up the booze.

Essdara grins a bit, "Oh, I wouldn't expect you to remember, ma'am. I'm just a cook, after all." She ponders. "'Sar? The name is almost familiar, but I can't put a finger on it. So many names and rumors pass through, I lose track."

A hand waves - hope that handyman wanted an extra bit of 'roll. "K'sar, really. Transferred here from Telgar by way of the Caucus. An' you help feed me - so if I start to piss ya off, let me know, so I can stop."

Essdara smiles sweetly, "I would have to care about you before you could get me mad, really." She ponders, "I've definitely heard his name, but I can't place the rumors. Ah, well, they probably aren't true anyway. I would swear there's someone out there with an active imagination who lives to start rumors about people!"

Rysia chuckles, "Well, there's that. Hmm, probably - I try not to listen to all the gossip. Bad enough I'm stuck in the same room with the same folks most days. Actually /listening/ to the things they make up to keep entertained?" She overly shudders, grinning at the thought.

Essdara grins a bit, "Better you than me. The cooks are bad enough, as it is. Me, I prefer just to get the work done, and not know anyone worth forming rumors about."

Rysia shakes her head, with a grin, "Ah, but now you have come out the kitchens - and worse! Spoken to another soul! You are doomed.. doooomed," she mock-moans, shaking her head, before suddenly stopping. "Right. Head straight, not moving."

Essdara laughs softly, "I choose my company carefully, someone who will neither remember me, nor care about me, by the time she feels better and is on with her life." She winks, "Yes, I am definitely in favor of activities that keep me... Much more private."

"Well, findin' privacy about here can be a chore an' a half, but good luck with that." Rysia starts to look for another piece to work on, when a yawn hits.. "Oh... oh dear. Think I'd best stumble to the dorm. Thanks for the conversation though."

Essdara smiles a bit, "Any time, ma'am, I am... At your disposal."

Rysia stands up, and wobbles her way towards the bin for the dirty dishes, then weebles her way towards the lower caverns.

rp, first-meeting, rysia, lc, essdara

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