Random review of the week

May 25, 2005 01:44

Been rewatching Buffy over past months, and finally got to Season 7. I wrote a rather optimistic mini-review of the first half way back when, so here's part 2... ( (Spoilers & Negativity herein) )

buffy, review, tv

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Comments 4

archbishopm May 25 2005, 04:33:56 UTC
Man, it was such a letdown. I hate to say it but I wish they had stopped at the end of season 5, despite all the great moments we would lose. Angel, stopping at the end of season 5 with their best episode ever, left me with such a good feeling it actually makes even season one more enjoyable to me upon rewatching, whereas Buffy, I'm all like, "Where do we go from here? Oh, that's right, straight to Sucksville."

And the thing is, if they could even have pulled it together for the last few episodes, like the X-Files (IMO) and B7 (no offense intended, can't remember your opinion of season 4) I still would have been left with that feeling. But no. Oh woe, a kajillion super-vampires, the earth is doomed...oh, hey, wait, I just pulled a magic axe out of my...pyramid! As you were, men.

*ahem* /rant


espresso_addict May 25 2005, 14:59:16 UTC
Angel, stopping at the end of season 5 with their best episode ever, left me with such a good feeling it actually makes even season one more enjoyable to me upon rewatching...

Yeah, NFA was pretty cool. The Spike poetry thing alone was better than anything Buffy did in the climax eps of Season 7, & I appreciated the way they revisited the key question from Season 2 (how should we fight?) but didn't give an answer.

Oh woe, a kajillion super-vampires, the earth is doomed...oh, hey, wait, I just pulled a magic axe out of my...pyramid! As you were, men.

And Joss'd already parodied something very similar in Angel's Awakening, just in case anyone could have missed the suckitudiness. What I really don't understand are the legions of fans who seem to consider Chosen such a great episode.


torn_eledhwen May 25 2005, 22:06:15 UTC
I've only seen season 7 once. I think I agree though that it wasn't quite up to the standard of the other seasons. Unfortunately I can't compare with with Angel, because I still haven't seen series 5 ... wish they'd show it on terrestrial!


espresso_addict May 25 2005, 23:58:18 UTC
I find it hard to compare seasons -- it's easy to think, oh the good ol' days of season x, but often it's just that one has remembered the good & forgotten the mediocre. Season 7 seems to have more arc-focused episodes and very few standalones, which isn't a format I enjoy as much as the looser arc with variety from interspersed standalones.

I didn't much like Angel S5 when I saw it the first time, even though it's biased to the standalone end of the spectrum -- but I've only seen it once, and I missed a couple of key episodes. Currently trying to cut down on my DVD buying but sorely tempted as it's going cheap at Amazon.


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