RL exists solely to ruin my life and other things with a little more importance

Oct 31, 2010 18:00

So, November is... tomorrow. Which means NaNo starts tomorrow.

And I know exactly as much about my story as I did when I wrote my last post.


To make things even better (worse) the exams are coming... on Wednesday. Starting with Russian. And followed by physics on Thursday. And I still have to do the physics... work, whatever it is called.

... ( Read more... )

random, ranting, nanowrimo, school, stories

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Comments 2

hakasha October 31 2010, 16:44:32 UTC
RL is a sadistic bitch, and that's all I have to say.

(also, by now I've forgotten most of what I learned of Physics and maths, and all F=-kx is, I don't know, some really nasty exercises about graphs and lines, and all I can remember from that is that x was supposed to be the entire x axis and k some number and then it would be- argh, my head hurts. But yeah, can't help ya with that. No idea what the xs or the ks or the strings are anymore. I can only remember Biology related stuff.)


esper_aroon October 31 2010, 18:01:45 UTC
Yes, it is. I suspect this is why I'm having more and more trouble with every passing day to remember that it is actually more real than cyberspace. And is supposed to matter more than literature.

...as if.

And pitty that. I'll hope some of my friends knows the answer (or then I'll just end up confusing them until no one knows what they are supposed to be counting).


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