Originally posted by
titova_tatiana at
"Дон Кихот" Сервантеса в иллюстрациях Ильи БогдескоCervantes ' "Don Quixote" illustrations of Ilya Bogdesko
A wonderful artist! Under his guidance I did cum! The warmest memories of talking to so generously gifted man!
Originally posted by vakin at Cervantes ' "Don Quixote" illustrations of Ilya Bogdesko
Original taken from philologist in Cervantes ' "Don Quixote" illustrations of Ilya Bogdesko
Ilya Trofimovich Bogdesko (April 20, 1923, Botušany, a village near Rybnitsa USSR - March 29, 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia) was a Soviet plot, people's artist of the USSR (1963), Member of the Academy of Arts (from 1984 onwards). Within five years, created a series of 33 illustrations for "Don Quixote" by Cervantes.
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