. mylife; love to hold onto

Jan 07, 2012 21:50

Finally got my hands on that cat catching cage! &hearts Now I just have to wait for that poor kitten and catch it so I can get her fixed/de-flea-ed and take her to the shelter. Earlier this week I noticed a chuck of fur to the skin is missing off the side. :( I don't think she'll survive much longer if I don't.

kaboot is promoting a FEMSLASH FEST over ( Read more... )

(tv)(live) vampire diaries, yay women, (tv)(live) pretty little liars, (tv)(live) nikita, shipping: hanna/caleb, this post needs a crying gif, my otp holds hands, my otp

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Comments 4

chameleon9999 January 8 2012, 03:24:27 UTC
I think I missed something about this kitten. :(

Still eternally pouring through the things in my inbox.

Gonna re-check that Disney femslash thing to see if art is involved.

My body sooo wants to hibernate. :(

... )


esoraxela January 10 2012, 06:49:33 UTC
I forgot it was a me-only entry! I try not to do too much IRL because I'm paranoid! D: It was a huge rant though because I was so sick and frustrated with the abuse of animals that day. And someone throwing this poor kitten out as its getting cold really set me off. I've been so worried about it, there's a huge neighborhood tom cat that's been making it difficult for me to feed her when he keeps scaring her away.

Had LJ been hiccupping comments for you? My inbox seems to have some things out of order at times! *twilight zone music*

I don't know if it is, but I'd doubt they'd frown upon it! Not many people volunteer art, so you're getting big thumbs up from me. :D

Ohhh! If I could stuff myself, curl in bed, and then wake up to warm weather ("hibernating weight" shed) that would be AMAZING!


goldy_dollar January 8 2012, 16:41:27 UTC
Thanks for the rec!

I'm in series like The Vampire Diaries where consent is a HUGE problem but not a lot of people understand that. It's a good starting point for someone who has trouble recognizing 'well if you hate the show so much, why do you watch it?' Recognizing unfortunate implications =/= 100% hatred of a show.

PREACH. The inability of this fandom to deal with TVD's consent issues has been know to keep me awake at night. :|


esoraxela January 10 2012, 06:51:51 UTC
ME TOO. I like it better when I'm kept up because images of Elena laughing into kisses and stabbing vampires has me smiling so hard into my pillow. :(


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