001 artsy attempt!

Sep 28, 2011 01:36

Did anyone catch the Pan Am premiere on ABC ( Read more... )

yay women, new show new show new show, artsy attempts!, (tv)(live) ringer

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Comments 10

avamclean September 28 2011, 16:31:59 UTC
That's pretty awesome. Lovely job on the coloring and liked the use of black and white in the middle.


esoraxela September 28 2011, 21:07:15 UTC
Thank you! Those were my favorite caps to do actually. &hearts


tunnels_of_loce September 28 2011, 18:57:04 UTC
I watched Pan Am! I actually really liked it, I thought it was really well done and intriguing. What did you think?


esoraxela September 28 2011, 21:05:23 UTC
I thought the Blonde Girl - the Ex Spy everybody was looking for? yeah, I thought they were going to find her body in the plane and I was so relieved she wasn't.

I also think it's a well done follower of the Mad Men classic style instead of a blatant copy like The Playboy Bunny seems to be. :/ PA seems to have that similar "show, don't tell" thing that I always appreciate.

Fav' character yet? I like poor, poor Colette. :(


tunnels_of_loce September 28 2011, 22:20:51 UTC
I thought she was going to be dead too, and I'm really glad she's alive! She's a really interesting character.

I think my favorite might be Kate, just because I'm really intrigued by her. I also love Colette, she seems like such a sweetheart. Poor thing. :(


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esoraxela September 28 2011, 21:09:23 UTC
Thank you! It's my first time trying the saturation+colorful gradient style I've been seeing on tumblr.


museandme September 28 2011, 23:40:01 UTC
This is awesome! <3


esoraxela September 29 2011, 03:18:17 UTC
thank you! &hearts


dana_chosenart September 29 2011, 06:09:31 UTC
Beautiful work. Love the choice of colors you've worked with and the added effect of black and white. :)


esoraxela September 29 2011, 09:41:02 UTC
Thank you for the beautiful comment! &hearts

A lot of people like the black and white! I thought that moment was PERFECTLY shot, it spells out a turning point/twist was coming in the episode. On Bridget's side, it's the last moment she sees her sister "alive." Then it's Siobhan in the cap, but it's Bridget who's still the focus. I loved how it gave a lot of mystery as to Siobhan's plans- how much of it factored in her twin in those plans she was about to execute. I love the camera work in this series. Some people call it cheesy, all the focus on reflections and mirrors, but as a symbolism geek I absolutely eat it up.


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