Would you like to use my avatar in your game? It's as close as you'll ever get to my Simself. :) She is guaranteed to do inappropriate things like turn on the bedroom stereo at 2 am or show up to a wedding in her everyday outfit. Unfortunately, I do not have SimPE, and you cannot access alien genetics in BodyShop, so Maia is a bit of a DIY project.
Getting alien genetics via boolprop is pretty easy. While you're in the neighborhood screen, enter
testingcheatsenabled true
Then in CAS, type Shift+N in the Last Name box, and you'll get access to the alien skin and eyes.
The most difficult part of building my avatar is the very first step: It's a preset template, but I only know where it is on the "Heads" menu. So you need to start her off with Skin #1, pick Head #4 (the blond with all the makeup) and then change the skin tone to alien.
Name: Maia Avatarre
Face: Skin #1, Head #4 (this is a bit stronger-featured than Face # 1)
Skin: Alien
Eyes: Alien
Hair: Genetically brown (or black if you prefer); adjust in-game to the custom brown-blond
Makeup: As you see fit
Jewelry: One big gold hoop in her right ear
Personality: 4/4/4/7/6
Turn-ons: Red hair, black hair (adjust if needed plotwise)
Turn-off: Full-face makeup (adjust if needed plotwise/to prevent inappropriate heartfarting)
Aspiration: Family/Knowledge, in some combination/order
Gender preference: I like guys, but it's okay for her/you to pick whoever will make her happy
Clothing: I used the blue Thai outfit from the Holiday Stuff Pack, but if you don't have that, anything in cool colors (blue/purple/green) and/or sort of exotic-looking
Terms and Conditions of Use
1. If you are going to use Maia in a story you are posting, send me a link over on Boolprop so I can keep up with her misadventures.
2. If you are going to use Maia in a story you aren't posting, drop me a line over on Boolprop to let me know how she's doing. (just one line is fine.)
3. No cheatypants! If Maia's significant other cheats on her, feel free to kill them creatively and repeatedly, but do not get them back together/keep them together.
4. No domestic violence! If that's the way your plot goes, that's the way it goes, but Maia is absolutely not to put up with that for any reason whatsoever. Do please feel free to kill the offender creatively and repeatedly.
5. If you have questions about what Maia would do, please feel free to drop me a note over on Boolprop. (Asking for guidance is not mandatory. If you'd rather let her be her own nutty self, go for it!)
Reference Photos
If for any reason you need a visual reference for Maia, here you go:
Full face
Three-quarter view