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fresica July 14 2009, 09:07:24 UTC
the_muppet July 14 2009, 17:37:52 UTC
What I particularly love about your iconning style is that you're clearly more talented than me (not hard!) in that you can confidently use layers and textures, and also that you do so in such a way that it doesn't overwhelm the icon, it's done in such a good way that it just does what it should in that it totally adds to the icon and looks wonderful - I prefer looking at simeple, clean icons and yours always look that way no matter what effects you've used (you use your effects so damn well) and to me that's a gift of a very good icon maker as not many (that I've seen) can do that.

I'm sure I've not explained that as well as I could, I just hope you understand what I mean.


the_muppet July 14 2009, 17:38:58 UTC
The icon you've used to post is a great example of what I'm trying to say! ♥


fresica August 4 2009, 05:55:37 UTC
Right. So, I just re-read my comment that WAS here, and I saw that it contained a very egotistical typo.

What it said: However, I certainly don't believe you're more talented than I am. ^^;

What it SHOULD have said: Thank you so much! ♥ And thank you, as well, for your other lovely comment. I'm so glad that you like my icons so well. However, I certainly don't believe you're less talented than I am. ^^;

Please excuse me now: my head has an appointment with the desk. =_=


the_muppet August 4 2009, 07:05:55 UTC

I did notice that and lol'd and realised it was a typo, so you're okay =)

In fact it's just made me lol again, so thanks! though I'm afraid I agree with your previous assessment - just ask mrs_leary if you don't believe me, she listens to me whine on about how crap I am often enough!


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fresica July 15 2009, 01:58:58 UTC
Thank you so much! ♥ I am so happy that you like them!
And you can't go wrong with Ianto!coffee love
Too true! ♥


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fresica August 4 2009, 05:51:39 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! ♥ You are truly lovely, as is your comment. I'm so happy that you like my icons, and especially that one. I have every intention of making more, just as soon as I get Photoshop back on my laptop. (So keep an eye out. ;D) Thanks again, luv! ♥ ♥ ♥


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