Title: Broken
Author: escritoireazul
Written for:
snowpuppies for
femslash_minis Round 25. Request: Buffy and Drusilla, dirt, panties, sexy kissing.
Warning: Character death.
Rating: 13+
Word Count: 1100+
Setting: Alternate season three in which Drusilla returns instead of Spike.
Summary: Death surrounds her, written in blood and written in bone.
Broken )
Comments 13
There is blood in her veins. Drusilla scratches stars in the dirt, secrets without words, constellations of futures as yet untold.
In the darkness, deadly flowers bloom, their scents so heavy and sweet. Drusilla watches and waits.
I love your Drusilla. She's spot-on crazy, in that eery psychic way.
Very beautiful!
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