Title: Unnerved
Fandom: Bones
Pairing: Booth/Brennan
Word Count: 339
Rating: PG
Spoilers: “The Sum in the Parts of the Whole” and “The Beginning in the End”
Summary: Wherever she is, he is, too.
Brennan’s knee-deep in a pit of clay sorting through the bones of interspecies hominids, but her focus is fuzzy today. Maybe it’s the sun and the jungle humidity. She’s spent so long inside the climate-controlled confines of the Jeffersonian that her body is still acclimating to the changeability of the weather.
Daisy comes by and Brennan places a series of vertebrae into a tray to be taken to one of the tents for cataloging. “Dr. Brennan, I just still can’t get over how amazing it is that we’re here!” she squeaks, and Brennan is reminded of the lab and of home. Of Booth.
“Yes,” she replies and then what she is doing is suddenly this: She’s remembering that one time they were at the bar. She’s remembering his eyes on her, lingering, smiling, creases around his eyes. It made her feel so aware of herself, of her skin, of being a woman and being desirable to the opposite sex. The sudden shyness she felt was surprising, something she hadn’t felt since she was a teenager. With other men, it was never like this. They could never simply unnerve her with a look. It was usually the other way around.
They weren’t supposed to look at one another like that.
She had motioned to the bartender to bring her and Angela two shots of tequila. Liquid courage, her best friend would say. The alcohol burned going down, but like muscle memory, all she could taste was his mouth on hers, soft then insistent then like eternity wrapping its arms around her body. That first case, that first kiss in the rain-she remembers it almost every day in some sort of way, though she’s almost perfected the ways in which she can tamp down the memory, trap it under glass. Sometimes, though, she still lets it out to play, and it’s still the perfect moment it was then, as though it will never age, never wither.
Turning around, she smiled at him. She was almost certain she unnerved him, too.
[the end]