Wow. So long since my last post. I'm really ashamed... Well, I guys :) I'm here now, YAY! I don't even know what to say actually but I wanted to let you know I'm still alive and life is taking me all my energy, but you know life, she always wants more.
So, what's happening... well loads of things actually but I don't wanna to bore you to death so I'
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Comments 10
Also Wii rocks. Try Epic Mickey. LOVE IT!
I'm really proud of myself, It has been a wonderful experience, especially the Hostel part cause usually I hang with my friends and I'm in the hostel just to sleep but this time I stayed up till late talking with these amazing strangers from all over the Europe and I almost lost the last Bus for Stansted because of a france guy who was really nice and fun! Not to talk about the receptionist who gave me his telephone number to hang out since I was alone and he wanted to go to the theatre with me even he wasn't a fan neither of David nor Catherine!
Yeah, Wii rocks, it's an amazing console, I'm glad I bought it, I can't wait for Christmas so I can use it... Ah parents rulez... xD
SQUEEEE a tutto, tranne alla parte di me che non vengo a Londra. D: Scusa la stringatezza del commento, ma sono in totale hangover, e sono sveglio dalle 8 del mattino senza alcun motivo. D:
LOL alla voce di Henry!! Non ci avevo mai pensato, ma la amo anche io! E' uno dei pochi kids in tv show che mi piace sul serio, e non è annoying. xDDD
Eh sì you bastard... mi hai abbandonata dannato! Non avrò mai più fiducia in te xD kiddin'
LOL, pora stella... ti ubriachi e non puoi neppure dormire in santa pace la mattina senza ragione xD
Sììììììììììììììììììì la voce di Henry e i suoi smiles e le sue lacrimucce pucciose... Dioh compratemi quel bambino!
Vista la scelta dell'icona: OMG hai visto l'ultima di HIMYM? Sono morta dentro, non sapevo che fare dire etc...
I am back on LJ full time tomorrow, but the radiation treatment I posted about is kicking my arse, so I have not been around for 2 months. Hope to see you on there. *hug*
DYING to get back to work, but alas not for another few weeks *sigh*
Other than that I am okay.
Gina is due the new baby in 6 weeks :D
Lots going on.
How is everything with you?
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