Before to post my Doctor Who - The Waters Of Mars picspam I wanted to do a happy post, a post about two things that mande me very happy today!
1) This afternoon, after a crapy day at university, I've found this beautiful book on my doorstep! YAY! Finally, thanks! (Wow my eyes are pretty green in this pic)
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Comments 12
Did you not love Emma's face the whole time that Will was singing 'Don't Stand So Close to Me'. Total fangirl, and that was hilarious!!
I love your icon! <3
Did you not love Emma's face the whole time that Will was singing 'Don't Stand So Close to Me'. Total fangirl, and that was hilarious!!
LOL she was so funny She had hearts around her head! She's amazing! And I loved that when he sang "Temptation, frustration So bad it makes him cry" he was watching at Emma Awwww! I need more scenes between those two!
That was AWESOME. I noticed Rachel looking over at Emma like she was annoyed, so had to rewind to hear the lyrics and watch Will singing to Emma. That was total win!
Btw I'm making a picspam about Will/Emma/Terry = Finn/Rachel/Quinn! Cos the story is almost the same... but is a huge picspam! I can't wait to finish it! *_______*
(Yep, tomorrow morning I'll make a Will/Emma icon, I need it! xD)
Ciao! Elisa
wanted to say Hi 'cause apparently you ship EVERY couple I ship... so, nothing, I've just wanted to tell you you really have good taste! :D
Well I think that you've a good taste too... are you a member of livejournal?
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