Movies and Sports

Oct 23, 2017 16:38

This weekend, we watched Blade Runner 2049. (We watched the original earlier in the week. It was probably my third time watching it, but Angie's first viewing.) I would say it was overall good, but kind of excessively long for no good reason. Ryan Gosling's character is likable enough and it has a feel similar to the original movie. The ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

_antisocialite_ October 23 2017, 21:39:07 UTC
I loved the new Blade Runner... and I generally hate any slow paced movie and any movie over 90 minutes LOL. I think it was better than the original.

I haven't really been paying attention to the kneeling controversy because I don't see why it's a big deal (so excuse me if I don't know the details... I don't even know who that Colin Kaepernick guy is, I'm assuming he's a football player). This is America, so peacefully protest all you want as far as I'm concerned. It's interesting that you point out that it is specifically disrespectful to the military, I never noticed before that they ask you to "stand and remove your hats for service men and women". I also think it is interesting that you said specific owners may be requiring players to stand (which is the owner's right, they sign the paychecks, so if the players don't like it they could agree to dissolve their contract). Overall I didn't really know much about what was going on before your post.


ertai October 24 2017, 13:07:03 UTC
I did like it; I just thought it was very... long.

In general, I think it's one of the most overblown stories, but people love their NFL and hate "whiney" players (I don't think it's an accurate descriptor, but whatever). Also, Trump's comments kind of gave it entirely new life.

And I agree, you can protest how you like, but I do think the specific way that they are protesting is poor since it really clouds the message. And I am very surprised at the backlash; you'd think these players are doing much worse things or something.


_zox_ October 24 2017, 13:41:14 UTC
A post at 4:38 pm?

I'm pretty sure I've seen the original Blade Runner. But it's possible I fell asleep or any number of things since I guess I (still) don't understand the hype around the movie. It's okay, not great (come at me, science fiction nerds!). That said, I agree with everything else you said about the sequel and other movies ( ... )


ertai October 24 2017, 14:15:52 UTC
Well, it's better than Occupy Wall Street, but I think its similar where it has only vague goals and not action items. So it's just kind of there.

It's just disrespectful since you are told to stand so any non-standing is not what you are told =P

But in general, I agree that it's just an overblown issue. And now, it's definitely a matter of principle, but that still doesn't make Kaepernick any better.


kayaiem October 24 2017, 21:00:16 UTC
>But the overreaction to it is even dumber. I cannot understand how anyone can be so offended that it affects their enjoyment of the game. If you're actually at a game, watch the singer or whatever during the anthem. Also, do you make everyone stand in your home or in a bar before the game? And for the President to take such an issue with it is comical. But this President is comedic ally bad in so many ways that he needs to deflect and enrage his idiotic base.



ertai October 25 2017, 14:04:16 UTC
People, man...


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