Title: 74FM [1/1] Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Qmi, Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun Summary: Zhou Mi was in love with the voice on his radio. Notes: AU. Fluff~ ( Read more )
"weren’t you just telling me about that cute guy you saw earlier with long-" Kyu's devilish smirk was wiped away in an instant! He was gushing over Zhou mi, isn't that just adorable!
I haven't seen that gif of Mimi O//O I'm glad it made you do that? :D I agree that he probably isn't a morning person...although he does have Zhou Mi with him...>.>
Well this is adorable...... Dont mind me. Im just going to curl up into a ball and roll around squealing until someone drags me to a mental hospital XDDDDD
Comments 15
"weren’t you just telling me about that cute guy you saw earlier with long-" Kyu's devilish smirk was wiped away in an instant!
He was gushing over Zhou mi, isn't that just adorable!
My mind went "Awwww" at the last line ^^
I'm happy it was entertaining~
I haven't read good Qmi for a while now, reading your fic makes me go like this:
( ... )
Thank you for reading!
yet, he gets turned on by kyu's voice.... zhoumi~~~ WAYLT!!!!
but wait! kyuhyun's voice is sex. really.
dear you, I'm SUPER HAPPY with this you can't even imagine....
*sobbing with happiness*
*passes some tissues* I love his voice as well >//<
Danke vielmals! :3
Dan....Danke vielmals???
*don't understand...*
Are u German?
No I'm British through and through~
I just got bored of typing 'thank you' in english and thought I'd spice things up :D
I hope it didn't confuse you too much! ^^;
Dont mind me. Im just going to curl up into a ball and roll around squealing until someone drags me to a mental hospital
all though seriously herzlichen dank! ^^
I might be late though. someone hid the car keys *whistles innocently* XD
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