Tired like a tired thing. So what I decided to do was write fic. It made sense at the time.
Title: In These Losing Fights
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: For 5x04
Notes: In the same universe as
this story, though you don't have to read that for this to make sense.
Summary: Dean's goodbye to Sam is meant to be final and without regret.
In These Losing Fights )
Comments 20
And then I figure it out...Well, there was no way to avoid the waterworks, is all I'm saying. T.T
Your Lucifer is amazing--that seductive understanding that cuts through the core of both Sam and Dean's resistance.
Wow do I ever want to beat him to death with a hammer. Just as soon as I can stop crying, anyway.
Thank you so much!!! I really really love how they've done Lucifer! He could have been lame, but instead he is so incredibly, fantastically awesome! Um. Yeah. *grins* Thank you!
"I'm sorry, Sammy. I'm sorry and I forgive you."
Like this, it happened exactly like this.
I love your icon, btw.
This is what he tells himself, anyway. Like he hasn't spent his life cataloging and preserving every hurt he and Sam have inflicted on each other.
There's so much of the boys tragedy here and yet it's also exactly every day, the way people related to each other all the time, when you look at it from a certain angle. Beautifully phrased on your part.
Family. Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em.
It's funny because that's actually Dean's dilemma.
This is hilarious and yet WRENCHING, like a rusty knife twisting in my guts.
Bobby watches him sit back down, his expression wary, like any moment Dean's going to start with the teeth gnashing and rending of garments.
Dean, however, will take whiskey over theatrics any day.Oh Bobby! You can just see his face here. In so few words you utterly and completely conjured him in such perfect detail. Also I'm with Dean on the whiskey thing. However the whiskey somehow seems to create it's own theatrics ( ... )
However the whiskey somehow seems to create it's own theatrics.
Hmmmm, yeah? IDK that I've ever noticed this...
It's soooo wrong, but I imagine this in a Rick Steff sort of way. "Good for you, Dean! Good for you!"
AHAHAHA!!! ur ruining my angst with hilarity!!!
I officially hand over my crown to you. You are now the princess of well written angst fic. Wear it well, you cruel, cruel girl.
I will accept your sparkly tiara, but only because you are no longer writing angst fic. If you started again, I expect it would be cruelly snatched away from me. As you stomped on my poor heart with your fabulous spiked heels. Don't play like I don't know.
I'll be over here, crying in my whiskey.
I thought the house smelled like liquor and sadness this morning...
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