Big Bang 2010 Master Post: In Becoming Who We Are

Jun 10, 2010 06:10

Fic title: In Becoming Who We Are
Pairing: Jensen/JDM, Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~82,700

Summary: Fresh out of school with a degree from the University of Washington, Jensen meets and falls for Jeff Morgan. He may not know what he wants to do with his life, but for the first time since leaving Texas, he feels like things are coming together. Jeff seems like the perfect guy, right up until it all falls apart, and Jensen is left wondering where he went wrong.

A couple failed relationships and a few years later, Jensen's decided that one-night stands are preferable to dates. He's got his friends and his roommate, Sophia, for everything non-sex related, after all. Until Sophia decides to move in with her boyfriend and Jensen's stuck trying to find a new roommate. At Sophia's insistence, Jensen meets Jared Padalecki and the two become fast friends. Only, the more they get to know each other, the more obvious it is that there's something there. But Jensen is unwilling to risk losing Jared's friendship for the possibility of more. Unfortunately, if he doesn't get things figured out, he might lose Jared anyway.

Part I: Where We End
One | Two | Three

Part II: Where We Begin
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six


Lesser Men (Have Put Up Better Fights) - Misha/Clare, 2600 words
If You Don't Ask, You'll Never Know - Jared/Jensen, 3500 words
The Way It's Meant To Be - Jared/Jensen, 2400 words

ART: I cannot even begin to properly express how giddy and delighted I am by egotists' gorgeous art. She did an entire site!!! There are not enough squeaky dolphin noises in the world! Please be sure to stop by her Art Post and give her love. She went way above and beyond, and was an absolute joy to work with! ♥♥♥

Author's Notes: No lie, this story started out as a semi-pervy daydream to get me through a boring day at work. Many people were involved in getting it from there to here. Please forgive me if this gets a little long...

Thanks to wendy and thehighwaywoman for all the hard work they put into throwing this shindig. So awesome!!

Thanks to laulan for audiencing and fact-checking for me, in spite of a hectic RL schedule. ♥

Many thanks to my CAPS OF AWESOMENESS BETAS, elizardbits and aggybird both of whom took care of the most egregious of typos and homophones as well as trying to induce me into the cult of the Oxford comma. They did it on short notice with a quick turnaround, all without mocking some of my truly horrifying mistakes. Any remaining flaws or imperfections are an indication that this story was hand-made and should be taken as a sign of its uniqueness.

Thanks again to egotists for betaing ON TOP of all of the amazing art! And being very kind with all of my "Oh, one more thing!" requests and "Wait, how do I format this?" questions. I really can't overstate how awesome and helpful she's been.

FINALLY, endless thanks and love (and promised timestamps) to rhythmsextion. She helped with EVERYTHING, from beginning to end, including staying up late with me while I did all of the formatting to post. Honestly, I sort of feel like she should be credited with co-authorship at this point. To say that she audienced each paragraph as I wrote it would be only the mildest of exaggerations. There is absolutely no way I would have been able to write this without her encouragement and enthusiasm. This story is really for her, she's just letting me share it with everyone else. ♥

OMG, it's really late/early as I'm writing this, so if I forgot anyone, please let me know and I'll fix it asap. I'm a little bit stupid right now...

ETA: fayedoll is most awesomely providing a permanent download link for the PDF here. Yay! ♥!!!

in becoming who we are, stories i make up, jdm/jensen, jared/jensen

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