20 burning down the house textures

Jan 22, 2011 11:29

 Ah! So glad its the weekend! This past week seems to have been short but exhausting so it's fabulous to be able to be lazy for while. Not that we can be too lazy, we're off to see a musical later on today and then we're going bowling with mates tomorrow, but even just a little bit lazy suits me fine!

On completely random news I'm now watching Glee ( Read more... )

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Comments 47

chase_acow January 22 2011, 16:19:33 UTC
These look great! Thanks for sharing!


faded_dorothy January 22 2011, 16:24:37 UTC
Thanks for sharing~=)) Credited in my resources page.


agsmith01 January 22 2011, 16:29:12 UTC
Thank you!!


myfarewells January 22 2011, 16:55:57 UTC
They're gorgeous. ♥ Thanks for sharing!


quiescent January 22 2011, 17:02:54 UTC
Ohh, love it! Thank you!


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