The Captain's Vessel (2/3)

Jan 09, 2008 15:58

Title: The Captain's Vessel
Fandom: PotC
Disclaimer: Property of Disney, appropriated without permission for my own horrible ends, which do not, however, include profit.
Rating: R
Warnings: AU, m-preg, language
Pairings: Jack/Will. Jack/Bootstrap alluded to. Jack/Elizabeth. Non-sexual Will/Elizabeth. Elizabeth/Barbossa suggested.
Summary: Will ( Read more... )

potc, the captain's vessel, crack, jack/will, fic, jack/liz

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Comments 17

soleilpirate January 10 2008, 01:33:28 UTC
Oh my GAWD! I love the legend you've created for Elizabeth! She's very scary in this part, you know? I don't quite see her as that hard, that constantly. But it's very good writing all the same.

OK, I'm worried for Jack. hurry up and write the rest okay?


erinya January 10 2008, 02:07:44 UTC
Glad you liked the legend--I had fun with that part! :-) You know, I've been writing a "hard" Elizabeth lately...not sure why I like her that way, but I do. I think she seems especially hard here, though, because first off, we're seeing her through Jack's eyes after DMC and AWE, and second, I've masculinized her a some ways, she's taking on a role that often falls to Jack--the dominant seducer.

Working on the rest!


geekmama January 10 2008, 02:07:40 UTC
Knocked up, are you, Jackie boy? Always knew you'd come to a bad end, putting on airs like you do, and you too pretty by half.


But the ending was sweeeeet! Oh, dear, this is crazy. Bring on part 3. *G*


erinya January 10 2008, 02:15:34 UTC
For some reason I can totally see Teague saying that line (and besides, I wanted his reaction but there was no way in Hell Jack was going to see him, under the circumstances!)

A little bit of crack-flavored fluff there at the end, huh? *g* Pleased you enjoyed it. Now to write the bit with the goat.


geekmama January 10 2008, 02:17:49 UTC
The GOAT!! Almost forgot!

Oh, and I forgot to tell you I adore your Ragetti -- he is perfect!!


justawench January 10 2008, 03:29:50 UTC
didn't even seem to register his leer. He supposed it was less effective coming from a pregnant…person. *smirk*

"You were meant to be free, not anchored to one harbor or one heart. If our places were somehow reversed…"

Yes, if only...

I love Ragetti getting excited about petticoats! Now I'm picturing him twirling around the cottage with a feather-duster.


erinya January 10 2008, 07:04:39 UTC
Ragetti does like his parasols and dresses...

It's too bad there's no way their fates could be reversed, aye?

Thanks for reading and for commenting!


klear0bsession January 10 2008, 03:34:58 UTC
LMAO...this is the best crack I have read in a long time. It actually comes across so solidly I have to remind myself that this IS crack...LOL, I love your Jack...and this makes for an interesting Elizabeth as well.


erinya January 10 2008, 07:02:56 UTC
I'm trying to do it without throwing anybody too far out of character despite the ridiculousness of the situation. Pleased that this seems to be working, and that you're still reading! Thank you!


crickwooder January 10 2008, 04:48:17 UTC
"What? Just thought I'd share my knowledge of the pertinent mythology!"

That is completely, utterly, ineffably Ragetti. I'm still giggling.


erinya January 10 2008, 07:01:05 UTC
Hee, thanks! Ragetti usually seems to know the pertinent mythology, doesn't he?

(The line from your icon makes me laugh...because although Jack had not had any rum at the time, he had in fact had two jiggers of Beckett's no doubt high-quality brandy.)


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