*tap tap* Is this thing on? (Recs and links)

Dec 17, 2007 23:53

It's been awhile, and one of my friends who is new to LJ was asking questions about how to post fic, so I think it's time I updated and linked to this: Fandom Netiquette for Newbies. Because fandom can be difficult to navigate and can be downright intimidating for a newcomer...especially if they unknowingly make a "mistake" and suddenly people aren't happy with them. I've tried to decode the unspoken rules a bit for those who are unsure, and give some handy hints for participation in the glorious obsession that is fandom, such as LJ-cuts and fic posting.

On to the recs...

Tin Man

First off, I'm going to pimp the fandom itself. I just saw the miniseries a few days ago, but I want to share my enthusiasm. Or spread it. Or something.

For those who are wondering what I'm talking about, Tin Man is a new Sci Fi miniseries that aired a couple weeks ago. (It will be airing again in its entirety on Christmas Eve--that's Monday--at 5/4C.) It's based on L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz-- a young farmgirl gets pulled into a different dimension by a tornado and makes friends as she tries to find her way home and avoid a wicked witch--but with some interesting new twists and a vaguely science fiction feel. This O.Z. (standing for Outer Zone) is a darker place than Dorothy Gale's Oz. But as the story moves forward, you start to see how the two are connected.

So here is a list of ten reasons to love Tin Man:

1. Our heroine to the Munchkin analogues: "You're out of your tiny minds!"

2. The O.Z. is a matriarchal society.

3. Strong, interesting female characters. You know how I much love this! Strong mothers, the power of sisterhood and an adorable heroine who rides a motorcycle and fixes machinery.

4. Strong, interesting male characters. I'm also a fan of this. Good, nurturing fathers, intelligent and compassionate masculinity, real heroes.

5. Good and evil is not black and white, nor without reason.

6. ALAN CUMMING as Glitch, the man without a brain.

7. Steampunk!

8. Group hugs are canon.

9. This man is beautiful. And wears tight pants, a duster, a hat, and a gun. What's not to love?

10. Everybody's a little bit broken, but that doesn't mean they can't save the world.

WhatEver After (at ff.net) by chibi_kaz. This is lovely because it's very detailed and exciting--the author fills in a lot of gaps left by the series about the world and how it works, with great insight on the characters and some really funny moments. (PMS!DG + clueless Cain = hilarity.) It picks up right where the story left off in the series. DG/Cain, Az/Ambrose. WIP. T/PG-13. Her short Cain POV fic, Tells, is also fantastic.

Breadcrumbs for the Soul (at ff.net) by afaeryschild. Another WIP that does a great job at enriching the world-building and character development touched on in the series. It incorporates elements from other Oz canons (L. Frank Baum and co., Wicked) to do so, which adds to the fun if you're a longtime Oz fan. Lots of Jeb, which I thought I wouldn't much care for but turned out to be a springboard for a fascinating political subplot. I noticed some grammar issues, but they didn't stop me from enjoying the story. DG/Cain, Az/Ambrose. T/PG-13.

Horse of a Different Color and When a Man's an Empty Kettle by monimala. Mala's long been a favorite author of mine in various fandoms, and she doesn't disappoint here. Angsty, quiet, sweet, sexy DG/Cain.

Two Can Keep a Secret if One of Them Is Dead by swingkitty007. A short, spooky Azkadellia fic that raises the question: is the Witch really gone for good? PG.

Something to Guide You, by myerlemon. Described by the author as "totally Victorian," it's a wonderful little piece in which DG courts Cain in letters and chaste visits. Fits with the steampunk feel of the series beautifully.

For those whose tastes run to the more piquant, try When in Rome, which re-envisions the O.Z. as a society whose sexual politics are a little bit...different. I found it really interesting, as well as sexy and oddly sweet. BDSM themes, R, AU, DG/Cain.

Pretty When You Cry and Aim Snap Fall, both by midnight_united, are two beautiful short ficlets that walk the fine line between sisterly love and sisterly...love. The incestuous overtones are more explicit in the first; the second could be interpreted as you wish. I have to admit that Az/DG was a pairing that leapt to mind as soon as I watched the series. I blame Supernatural for this.

PotC Rec

I have to admit, I'm not terribly active in Pirates fandom right now, though I'm still hoping to finish some WIPs. But today I discovered this EXTREMELY AWESOME series that you simply must read. It's by Rokhal on Fanfiction.net (I don't know if she has an LJ) and it's called Age of the Uzi. The premise is simple: Jack and Barbossa found the Fountain of Youth after all, and have survived into the 20th century, where they Do Crime (what else?) They're "caper" stories--light-hearted tales of criminal antics in the tradition of, say, Oceans 11. But it's the execution is what makes it so awesome. Her Jack is just--more Jack than Jack has ever been, as if down all those years he's been perfecting the act. The dialogue is so snappy it makes your neck ache, the writing is smart as a whip with a masterful eye for just the right detail, and it's laugh-out-loud hilarious. I recommend you start with Takin Care of Business, a one-shot and her first fic in the series: "What's Jack Sparrow doing alive in the 21st century? He's robbing a speedboat, that's what."

potc, recs, pimping, tin man

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