SPN Multimedia ... thing

Nov 12, 2007 20:14

So, I'm kinda nervous about sharing this, but. I wanted to do something extra special for the cast and crew of SPN. What I hit on was an idea that just ... appealed to my inner geek.

As a tribute to Supernatural and all the fun the show has provided, I decided to create a hunter's "case file" and send it off to the gang in BC. I wanted it to look real, see, with coffee stains, margin notes and all, as if someone were genuinely out in the field taking notes of a case they were working. Did I achive that?

Hell, I dunno! The darned thing took on a life of its own, and of course it had to have a story of sorts to tell. But whatever it is, I welcome you to have a look, and hopefully get a grin or two. With no further ado, click here:

Alternately CLICK HERE and look for the "Next" thingie, upper right. There are ten images, total.

And yes, it's in the mail. I really wish I'd finished it sooner, but there was no writers' strike when I began the idea...

ETA: Text version is now posted HERE.

my supernatural fics

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