So you remember that time I lied...

Jun 06, 2023 10:40

and said I was going to get back to regular updates?

I can't even with myself, right now. Yeesh! Long story short: Work. Tired. Work. More tired. Blah blah Bitch Argh Moan, etc

Trying to think of the highlights, real quick, when I should be working.....

+ Bills are up ; we're down one car because Stig's transmission finally gave out back in ( Read more... )

fandom: i play games, real life: walter the drama llama, real life: car trouble, daily: tuesday, real life: to do or not, real life: work has it's moments, movies: indiana jones, fandom: i love movies, real life: gibbs-slap, fandom: i make art, f-list: bizarra, real life: dork moment, fandom: i like yarn, movies: transformers, real life: bill gates owns my soul, real life: medic?!, real life: bills come from the devil

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Comments 6

luxuria_oceanus June 6 2023, 15:30:11 UTC

*sends good vibes*

I can't even with myself, right now. Yeesh! Long story short: Work. Tired. Work. More tired. Blah blah Bitch Argh Moan, etc

Preaching. to the. Choir.



erinm_4600 June 6 2023, 15:42:11 UTC


inabsentialuci June 6 2023, 15:37:29 UTC

Send all my love to Biz. Broken ribs are the worst!

I am also very infected with the OH, I SAID I WAS GOING TO UPDATE MORE, DIDN'T I? virus. I think it's catching.


erinm_4600 June 6 2023, 15:41:56 UTC
Pretty sure I got it from you XD


trystan830 June 6 2023, 23:56:40 UTC

+ Bills are up

totally hear you there! we had some unexpected bills (the IRS, and two of our cats needed some procedures done).... and now the checkbook doesn't like us anymore. XD



vapor June 15 2023, 19:16:44 UTC
I'm sorry about your car and Biz's broken rib! <3 I hope everything gets better soon.


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