Actually, I think the 'Why don't I have a boyfriend'-icon is more appropriate in this case.... o.O

Sep 16, 2008 22:41

I'm seriously tempted to revisit this one when I'm in need of a good chuckle! :D

01 Paris Geller (Gilmore Girls)
02 Mac Taylor (CSI:NY)
03 Samantha Carter (Stargate SG-1)
04 Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS)
05 Stephen Connor (Medical Investigation)
06 John Crichton (Farscape)
07 Lucas Wolenczak (seaQuest DSV)
08 Nathan Bridger (seaQuest DSV)
09 Lee Stetson (Scarecrow and Mrs King)
10 Stella Bonnasera (CSI:NY)
11 Jay Hamilton (Walking Tall)
12 Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
13 Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
14 John Kilmer (Threat Matrix)
15 Natalie Durant (Medical Investigation)

from n_e_star:
-If 1, 7, 12 & 15 went to school together, would they be friends? Or which ones would be friends?

If order for Paris, Lucas, Lorelai and Natalie to go to school together, FIRST: Time travel would have to occur. For Lucas was born in 2002 (regardless of what they said in Season Three o.O) Now, assuming timelines were ignored... Lorelai could handle Paris - we've seen her do it - and Lucas would probably crush on Lorelai; Natalie would ignore Paris as much as possible, in order to keep from killing her and would probably end up being a mom-figure for Lucas. And, personally, I'd like to think that Natalie and Lorelai would bond over the non-commital men in their lives... :D Oh, and Paris would have no problem trying to prove that she's actually smarter than Lucas. She will never concede that she is, in fact, NOT.

from laeliamouse:
-If 6 and 13 got into a fight, who would win? Would 3 attempt to break up the fight, or join in? (And on whose side?)

Crichton and Picard? Fighting? Never... And, I hate to say it, but Sam would totally take Crichton's side. Once the both of them got over the fact that Star Trek was apparently real, since both shows made the obligitory Trek references... But, if there was a fight, it would probably be because the Scarrans moved into the Neutral Zone and the Federation would send the Enterprise to check it out and, just like Three's Company, there would be some kind of misunderstanding... Maybe this is more of the drama following a certain piece of crack!fic? *ponders*

from icarus_chained:
-If 2 and 11 got together, what would 4's reaction be? (and ours, for that matter?)
-What would happen if you locked 3, 10 and 7 in a room together overnight?

If Mac and Jay got together in what way? My initial thought its that they are together simply because Jay is being arrested. Again. How he got to NYC, I have no idea. As for Gibbs... he probably told Mac where to find Jay. *snort* I don't know about your reaction, but I can tell you, right now, that having Neal, Gary and Mark in the same room/scene/area code makes me wanna pass out from *THUD* - and I'm only -thinking- about it...

Sam, Stella and Lucas locked in a room overnight? I suppose that it depends on the size of the room and the situation behind said room-locakge. Ignoring timelines, I'd say that Lucas would probably try to hit on Sam, and she'd just give him one of those mini!Jack looks. Stella and Sam would probably use the time to get paperwork done and, at some point, Sam would see Lucas trying to build something and then they'd end up talking geek the rest of the night.

from temaranight:
-If 10 and 1 fell in love, what would happen?
-If 15, 12, and 3 were stranded on a desert island, what would happen? Who would survive?
-If 7, 11, and 9 were in a band, what would they call themselves and what sort of look and sound would they have?
-If 5 had a theme song, what would it be?

If Stella and Paris fell in love, someone probably hit Stella upside the head. Or she's undercover. Or Paris is doing a psychological study for an article. Or background study for a grad school application. Even so, I doubt it'd last. Paris is nuts :)

Natalie, Lorelai and Sam... That's fantastic! They would all survive, physically. Mentally, however... Natalie would be able identify all the possible viruses on the island, but she probably doesn't have a microscope, so she'd go stir-crazy. Lorelai wouldn't have coffee, so I see her faltering first. Sam is trained for this kind of thing, and she's been in worse situations. She'd end up pulling a Professor and making a nuclear reactor out of coconuts.

If Lucas, Jay and Lee were in a band... well, that would be very cracky! The Vo-Corders? Scarecrow and the Eye-candy? Who Cares Because I'm Jay F'n Hamilton? :D Lucas would definitely be the "scruffy" one, and Lee and Jay would be fairly snappy. I'd say they're some kind of instrumental band... *bites hand to not have a PD!gigglesnort* Totally a one-hit wonder... because they all will realize they'd rather play football.

Stephen's theme song is probably the theme from Emergency! or Mission: Impossible *gigglesnort* I tend to associate Heavy Liftin' by Blake Shelton with Stephen, however... and I totally blame the series finale.

from tpeej:
-If 3 and 15 ever in the same place at the same time, would the place be standing when they left?

Sam and Nat in the same place, at the same time? That would be WICKED! More than likely - and, sadly, I can totally see this happening - some wacky alien-virus came through the gate and NIH is called in because SuperJanet is gone and Carolyn is off on her honeymoon with Cam and the girls have to save the galaxy. The Gateroom (and Siler) will probably have seen better days, but everyone's standing. And Teal'c and Stephen will still be having a staring contest, hours later... *snort*

from catyuy :
-1 and 15 kiss, how does 8 react?
-3 gets into a fight with 10, does 6 help 3 or 10?
-What is 5 blackmailing 13 for? And what will 9 do to 5 in order to make them stop?
-7 and 11 suddenly develop weird powers. What does 2 do about it?
-14 is in love with 1 \_/ 1 is in love with 4 \_/ 4 is in love with 10 \_/ 10 is in love with 7 \_/ 7 is in love with 13 \_/ 13 slept with 1, 4, 7, and 10 but is pregnant by 14. What do 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 15 think of all this?
-14 won the lottery what do the others do?

Paris kisses Natalie and Bridger either sees it or hears about it. I guess it all depends on the type of kiss. I figure Paris probably pounces on Natalie, not realizing the concept of a personal bubble, when Natalie informs Paris that she's been given a job at NIH. I think Nat would be a bit more wigged out than Bridger, but I don't really know what he was doing at this point in time. Robert's probably still alive, so he's probably happy as a clam with Robert and Carol. But I digress...

Sam and Stella fighting? *points up* It was Lucas' fault... Crichton will help Sam, simply because he backed her up with Picard. But, somehow - because he would find a way - he'll help Stella, as well. The fight will end in a draw because the girls will probably turn on Crichton. :D

Stephen Connor is not stupid enough to blackmail a man who can contact the Borg. *ROTFLMAO* As for Lee... well, he'd probably just sit back and watch, because Picard would totally kick Connor's ass. Because he is Picard. *nods*

Lucas and Jay with powers? What kind of powers are they, I wonder. And Mac... *swoons at Gary and Neal and JonB in the same space* I forsee mass-confusion. And it was probably all Piccolo's fault *nods*

Kilmer is in love with Paris. Okay...
Paris is in love with Gibbs. *snort*
Gibbs is in love with Stella. Stella's not a red-head...
Stella is in love with Lucas - in his dreams...
Lucas is in love with Picard Who isn't? o.O
Picard slept with Paris, Gibbs, Lucas, and Stella but is pregnant by Kilmer. Sounds like Q stopped by for a visit...
What do Mac, Sam, Connor, Crichton, Bridger, Lee, Jay, Lorelai and Natalie think of all this? Probably the same thing as me: Sounds like Q stopped by for a visit...

I would like to think that ALL of them push, prod, conive and convince Kilmer to take Frankie to Vegas again. And, this time, they will stay married, damnit!!! o.O

from moony_blues:
-If 6 and 4 were married, what would be the name of their first child?
-Seven, 10, and 12 go to a bar. What are their drinks of choice? Which one gets drunk first? How many drinks before 12 is totally plastered? What does 3 think of the situation?
-Fourteen has stumbled upon fan fiction featuring very kinky smut involving him/herself. How many shades of red, blue, or purple does this person blush?

Mister and Mister Gibbs? Because there's no way Gibbs will be Mister Crichton! D'Argo Ducky Gibbs? *snort*

Lucas, Stella and Lorelai go into a bar... Wow - Lucas and Stella are spending FAR too much time together o.O Lucas will try, yet again, to get a beer, but won't be served because he is still too young. Stella, being a cop, won't help him out, either. Lorelai, however, will offer him a sip of her girly-drink (which she didn't order, but she will if it'll make him feel better). He will pass. Stella - who's probably gone drinking with Mac and Flack many times, will fare better than Lorelai, but it will take many beers and probably a mention or two of Luke. Less, if there's Christopher!drama. Lucas will either find the pinball machine in the corner or fall asleep at the table. Sam will be upset that she wasn't invited.

No, Kilmer.. it's not fanfic. It's just the scripts for Desperate Housewives.... *pets Kilmer* John Kilmer can't be bothered to read fanfic - he doesn't even read his reports at work. Holly will read it, then ASL-dictate. However, if it turns out to be Kilmer/Frankie fic, he'll make an exception. And he'll probably make the mistake of showing it to Frankie and asking her "why they never did that?"

from general_nothing:
-13 dies. What is their Significant Others' reaction?
-5 and 11 decide to make a movie. What is it about?
-What is 1's favorite food?
-Does 10 brush his/her teeth twice a day?
-9 and 12 fall in love. Is this unusual?

Sadly... I fear that Picard would be much more broken up over the loss of Beverly than Beverly would be of Picard. *hugs Picard* Honestly, she was ready to write him off in All Good Things... o.O But, depending on how he goes, she'll either be REALLY pissed and avenge his death, or she'll accept it because it was his time and she was prepared and they'd lived a good life... /delusion

Stephen and Jay are making a movie. Excuse me for a second while I LAUGH MY ASS OFF and hate myself for NOT choosing Wyatt Cain..... It could have been a documentary about the Canadian landscape... or a safety video, demonstrating proper axe-handling.... or a feel-good buddy comedy, where they travel cross-country, arguing about their differences, only to realize that they have both driven through "Canada" with a young brunette in the front seat... *rolling* Anyway: Good vs Evil: A Study of Bi-Polar Disorder... or someting about how drugs are bad, unless you're trying to save a community... *snort*

Paris has her days... sometimes she's on a health-kick, sometimes just coffee... I figure she's gonna eat whatever's put in front of her.

I figure Stella does brush. And most likely twice.

I could totally see Lee and Lorelai falling in love. Which is weird, because I'm totally Lee/Amanda and Luke/Lorelai... but I can see it. again, ignoring timelines

from penny_hill:
-#10, #5, and #3 all work together. Why does #10 like #3 and what's the annoying habit that #3 does to irritate #5?
-#12 and #2 walk in to the grocery store and see #8 in the pharmacy section. #12 and #2 want to know what #8 is buying and why is #4 embarrassed in the 10 items or less line when #8 checks out?
-What type of car does #9 drive and why does #1 always insist on riding in the back seat?

I love the idea of Stella, Stephen and Sam working together. I'm not sure how to get Sam and Stella together... maybe a Ba'al clone is involved? Stella likes Sam because she won't take crap from anyone and is good with a gun. Conner will pull a Jack O'Neill the -second- Sam starts in on the techno-babble. And it will be the best damn facial expression in the history of Neal McDonough's facial expressions!! \O/

Mac must be on vacation if he's in the same grocery store as Lorelai, which I find odd. Bridger could be there, simply because he's still 10 years away from being tricked onto the seaQuest... maybe Carol's family is living in CT. *ponders* He's probably buying aspirin or a candy bar. Gibbs is never embarassed. And, if he is, it's probably because that one time he screwed up, Bridger was the one to help him out. Because Bridger is MADE OF WIN. *nods* True story.

Lee drove a silver Porsche, then he got a silver Corvette. Paris probably rides in the back seat because she thinks Lee is her chauffer. Or because Amanda is sitting in the front seat. Besides: it's easier to be a backseat driver when you're sitting -in- the back seat. And she'll tell him that. Because she's Paris.

from luxuria_oceanus:
-#4 and #8 are stuck in a desert island where there are many bugs the size of the grand canyon and they're told by alien entities that the only way to survive is to exude a sort of aura humans only get while they're having sex. Do they agree to the terms to keep themselves safe or agree to meet their doom?
-#1 writes a novel only to find out #3 published a novel, just like #1's! What happens there?
-#7 and #9 find a map to a secret treasure but on the back it says, in really tiny letters, that they must do the dance of love (otherwise known as, monkey sex) and find #2 so #2 can videotape them. How does that go along?
-#3 enters a bar where some random fat guy grabs #3's ass. What's #3's reaction?
-#5 and #12 are a team, have known each other since they were babies and have probably even seen each other naked (accidentally... or not) when #12 starts getting all buddy buddy with #6, leaving #5 behind. How does #5 feel and how would #5 handle this situation (and #6)?
-#11 has to burn all the books in planet Earth, for whatever reason, but is allowed to save ONLY ONE. What book does #11 choose to save?
-#13 is given a list of 14 characters (this list, excluding #13) and is told they all have to die, except one. Who does #13 save and why?
-#15 finds out that #14 is pregnant, with #3's baby. This is bad because #15 has been married to #3 for five years. What does #15 do?
-#4 is told they can meet any person in the history of Earth who has died. Who does #4 pick?
-#7 likes #12's nipples. #7 is really obsessed with those nipples. It's a nipple fixation. One day, #7 says if he/she doesn't get to touch the nipples, he/she'll shoot himself/herself. Does #12 let him/her?
-#4, #8 and #12 are bragging about how many times a day they can have sex without passing out or quitting. Who wins the total count?
-#3 tells #6 that he/she has never been kissed. Does #6 believe him/her? ...Does #6 offer to remedy the lack of experience? How? Would #3 accept?
-#12 is allergic to dogs, but the love of his/her life, who happens to be #1, is going to move in with his/her very big dog. #1 doesn't know #12 is allergic to dogs. What does #12 do about this predicament?
-#2, #9 and #13 go out to a strip club, or at least, they thought it was a strip club until they go inside and see things that make an X rated movie look bland. What are their individual reactions?
-#14 wakes up with a teletubby with him/her, under the sheets and crying. What happened last night and what will happen after?
-#10 and #5 are told they only have five minutes to live after they have successfully saved the planet from destruction, but they're being recorded, so it might as well be the only meaningful conversation/message they can get out there. What do they say?
-#7 is transported into a reality t.v. show. Which show is it?
-Your entire list is racing against each other to marry the great lord and master (me, also known as luxuria_oceanus), but you (the creator of this list) have the last say on who wins the race. Who wins me? And WHY!?

you are dead to me, my dear...
Gibbs would build a boat. Bridger would befriend a dolphin. Both would share the loss of their wife and their child and never talk about it and the aliens can kiss their ASSES because they are Gibbs and Bridger and need not tolerate that kind of sh!t

Paris WOULD write a novel. Sam's would be based on fact, but no one would know it, simply because she used too many big words. Paris didn't use big words, just a LOT of them. And in a condescending way. Neither will sell, but there will most assuredly be a copy of Sam's book in Atlantis. On Rodney's bookshelf.

Lucas was caught stealing the map from IFF, most likely, by Lee, who happened to be trying to log into the same file at the same time. And it was Amanda who figured out where he could find Lucas. Bridger will ground him for, yet again, doing illegal things via the UEO servers and Mac has more important things to worry about than videotaping two strangers who aren't even in his present time.

Sam would kick the guy's ass. Then tell Teal'c, who would kick the guy's ass after Sam told him she'd taken care of it. Then Jack would find out because Daniel saw it, but didn't know Jack didn't know about it. Somehow, Jacob would find out and he'd gate back to Earth and he and Selmack would offer to kick the guy's ass. Sam will roll her eyes and disappear back to her lab.

Connor and Lorelai know each other? Sure... Stephen was probably twelve when she was born, and in Maryland... but whatever. o.O Was Lorelai in Australia? Because I don't think she'd run into Crichton otherwise. But okay... I can see it. Stephen is too busy saving lives to worry about whether or not Lorelai is dating. Honestly.

Jay would do it, too. And he'd probably save his little black book. And I guarantee the FIRST book that goes into the fire is the accounting book from the casino. *nods*

Picard will save EVERYONE. Because he is Picard and he is that MF'n awesome. *nods* Though, if Jay happens to be taken by the Borg, he won't cry too much.

I think that Natalie will be calling Stephen if Kilmer turns up pregnant. Oh, Sam's involved. So it's just an alien... *moves on* Well, Sam hasn't been in D.C. for 12 years, so when did she have time to go back and get married? And Natalie surely didn't get any vacation days to leave work. Something about this scenairo just isn't believable... o.O

Gibbs will pick Kelly. That's all there is to say about that.

Lucas is a player. Lorelai will probably be so sick of him asking/following her around, etc., that she'll give in just to give the poor kid a thrill. I mean, he -is- stuck on a submarine, with Luke's brother-in-law for a roommate... *gigglesnort*

Between Gibbs, Bridger and Lorelai... I would have to say Miss Gilmore would probably take home the prize... simply because Gibbs and Bridger don't have time for silly things like that... But I could totally jump on the Gibbs/Lorelai wagon

Sam can tell Crichton a lot of things. He sure as hell won't believe her, simply because Daniel will pipe up with about five examples - which Teal'c will acknowledge with a nod - and Vala will gladly jump in claiming she's pure as the driven snow, seeing if Crichton will kiss her. She'll even let him call her Aeryn. *Steve is enjoying the crack some more*

O.o Don't tell Paul Anka! Lorelai and Paris? Really? I highly doubt it. Paris has stayed with Lorelai before, and they didn't entirely try to kill each other. I think Lorelai would rather take the dog.

Mac, Lee and Picard go into a strip club... I can't wait to hear the punchline... Mac is not impressed; he's a NYC cop and has seen worse on the subway. Lee will blush and wonder how a person could be that flexible. Picard will call Engineering to reset the Holodeck and then tell Geordi and Data to reformat the computer.

Kilmer and a Teletubby, eh? It's a stuffed one, and it makes noise when you press the belly and it was given to Kilmer as a thank-you the night before by the little girl who's father he saved. He'll remove the batteries and toss the thing on the couch, occasionally using it as a pillow when he watches football.

Stella will tell the team that she loves them - even Adam - and she'll miss them. And she probably won't tell Mac that she loves him because he's still in love with Claire and blah-blah-Peyton and she just won't say it. ARGH!! Stephen will tell the team he's proud of them and he'll apologize to Jack and, again, tell him that he's proud of him and loves him very much. He, also, won't tell Natalie that he loves her because he is a STUBBORN, STUPID man.

This would be easier if I watched reality TV. Lucas would be on Fear and laugh at all the whiny brats. You want real fear? Share a room with Tony. Besides, he's already faced the demonic dead!captain, survived being buried alive, outrun the giant plant and been abducted by aliens. What's a haunted house? o.O

Paris, just to piss you off. ;)

and the questions I asked everyone else:
-Where would #6 prefer to go for dinner?
-Did #3 and #14 ever meet?
-Could #7, #11 and #3 co-exist?
-Has the portrayer of #4 been in a movie or on TV with the portrayer of #12?
-If you were stuck in traffic with #9, what would you talk about?
-You've got a movie night planned with #5. What movie are you gonna watch?
-#1 and #15 are stuck on a desert island. Who kills who first?
-If #2 and #10 happened to be sitting next to each other in a sports bar, would they cheer for the same team?
-#8 knows #13. How?
-#10 is put in charge of the rest of the list. Who do they choose as their second-in-command?
-#4 and #6 find themselves in the Outer Zone (assuming they aren't already there). Who do they meet first?
-#12 needs to go to the grocery store. Why?
-#9 just got fired. Why?
-#2 meets #11 on a street corner. Do they talk?
-#7 is the King of the World. Does the World approve?

Earth. Crichton is probably craving some pizza.

Sam worked at the Pentagon for two years. Kilmer was FBI. There's a distinct possibility their paths crossed.

No. Lucas would not put up with Jay's principles -or lack thereof- which is why the band would never work. He would, however, be able to coexist with Sam, as they've both met aliens and have to keep it a secret. And they're really smart. And Sam would probably beat Jay up. Though, being that they're both up in Canada, they'd have more of an opportunity to coexist...

To my knowledge, NO. Mark Harmon and Lauren Graham have not been in a movie together. They were, however, each in a movie with Mandy Moore. So there! :p

The Wizard of Oz. :D Or Billy Melrose. Or possibly what exactly IFF "does" in the public eye... *imagines being stuck in a car with Lee Stetson* He was one of my first TV!boyfriends, you know... True story.

Forget a movie! If I have Stephen Connor to myself all night, there will be NO movie-watching. I guaran-DAMN-tee it! *nods*

Natalie will kill Paris. Seriously. She'll probably get away with it, too.

If Mac and Stella are anywhere together - that isn't work - I could give a sh!t what they're watching and who they're rooting for. I'm just happy they are there together. and I love the crazy random happenstance of this question!! And they would totally be rooting for the opposite teams, just to get a rise out of the other one. ;)

Bridger knows everybody. Why wouldn't he know Picard? Really. Picard knows Kirk. Kirk was on the seaQuest. It could happen... o.O Or, it had something to do with Papa CrichtonKurt and the aliens. *nods*

Please? Stella will -TOTALLY- play favorites and pick Mac. Unless he's brooding over Peyton, then she'lll pick Sam and Natalie.

*imagines Gibbs and Crichton in the Zone* It would be so cracktasticly perfect: The Fighters of the Eastern Guild. And, oddly, neither of them would think ANYTHING of it... o.O

Al's Pancake World is closed. Luke's is closed. Anything in the fridge or freezer would require Lorelai to preheat the oven.

It's all part of Lee's cover story. ;)

*snort* If Mac and Jay are on the same street corner, Jay's totally being arrested. Honestly. *points up* I didn't even realize I'd answered this one twice until I was rereading for errors *facepalm*

*ICON!!!* Lucas is the King of the World. He uncursed the haunted cruiseliner, he stopped Mycroft and he has a scar. Damnit. Tony may not like it.... and Ben will try to weasel his way to #2. Bridger will let Lucas believe he's the King, of course, but we all know that Lucas will defer to Bridger every time. And, Lucas' first order of business: His father has to build a new damn ship.

For the Tin Man-version, pick your favorite questions, or ask new ones. ;)

Okay, Steve... NOW can we please get back to CaliTin? o.O

movies: star trek, daily: tuesday, tv: medical investigation, fandom: thud, fandom: i write fanfic, fandom: steve the plotpapay, fandom: i love movies, f-list: luxuria_oceanus, thud: jamie denton, fandom: quizzes and memes (baaa), i ship it: stephen/natalie, thud: neal mcdonough, fandom: i love tv, tv: seaquest dsv, real life: dork moment, fandom: from the f-list, thud: jonathan brandis

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