Fall Out Boy (with All-American Rejects and Hey Monday), Sydney, Saturday 21st February

Feb 26, 2009 07:22

My flight wasn't cancelled, no train drama, not nearly as hot and I even had an empty seat next to me on the plane. so compared to Friday, it was very calm :) After losing an hour (stupid timezone change), I met up with jocondite, shihadchick and anne_elliot at Town Hall, and drove them from my place to Homebush, and made plans to hang out after the show (and for me to find jocondite, since she was staying with me) - lol, if only we knew what that was gonna lead to.

Went home, relaxed for a couple of hours, then headed back out to Acer Arena. Sartorial note that becomes relevant later - I remembered just before I left that it got quite cool at Acer during Panic's concert, so I wanted to take something (not too warm) with me just in case. The only thing around that seemed suitable was the Clan-knockoff hoodie that I got given for Christmas (which I love a lot). Felt that kinda fell under the 'don't wear a band's merch to that show' rule, but shoved it in my bag anyway. Insert ominous music and lingering closeup. Met up with engenda (hnix and sinden got there before AAR), braved the merch queue in an unsuccessful quest for indybrat (alas, sorry!) and told off some brats who were pissing me off by excessive shoving. And they were all over my lawn too.

Our seats were pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. Same row as for Panic/TAI/Cobra, about 15 seats closer to the stage (stage left, ten rows back, middle of section closest to stage). And the stage setup was very spartan, so there was nothing on the sides to obstruct our view like we had a bit at that show. I'll mostly only mention stuff that was different to the Brisbane show (though if you make it through that WALL OF TEXT, I should give you a cookie).

Please don't direct link to my files, or link to my journal in communities/forums. Video and sound quality is pretty reasonable in all of them, and the talking is understandable in the videos that are mostly them speaking.

Hey Monday - they were a lot of fun again. A number of people around us didn't seem to realise that Pete had come on stage (though his mic didn't work properly) until Cassadee thanked him as he left. And the spotlights weren't manned yet, so when the guitarists came down to the front corner stage bits, they were rocking out in the dark :( I noticed Cassadee side-stage during FOB (well after she'd come out for Sugar), just leaning against the stage and watching.

+ Obvious ft Pete on youtube or avi - 11.12 meg
+ How You Love Me Now on youtube or avi - 9.62 meg
I don't know why he's wearing a headband either.

The All-American Rejects - Tyson continues to be crazy like a really crazy fox who lives in Crazytown. Nick was dressed like he thought he was performing with a different band. Setlist change - Stab My Back instead of Paper Hearts. Tyson told off everyone in the seats who was sitting down - though I'm not sure if he said you'll get internal haemorrhoids or if he was asking if that is why people were sitting. And he told security to give water to the people in the pit, must have looked nuts from the stage cause he didn't do that in Brisbane.

+ Swing Swing on youtube or avi - 6.79 meg
Nick slowly moves in for the kill - then runs away.
+ Mona Lisa on youtube or avi - 13.82 meg
This really is such a pretty song.
+ The Last Song on youtube or avi - 10.43 meg
This file was initially labelled guitar sex. Plus, Tyson does that hip thing (but not as much as I've seen him to do). But yeah, Nick rocking out in front of me is only matched by Mike on his knees.
+ Gives You Hell on youtube or avi - 5.49 meg
LOVEBITCHLOVE! Also, Tyson making horns.

Fall Out Boy
During setup, sinden asked me if there was any pyro during Brisbane show (no), cause of stuff that was getting put out. Good call, cause there was quite a bit for this show (and others, maybe Brisbane was the only flame-free one). Some fireworks, and lots of gas jets. We were a bit worried when Joe would wander and spin around too close, cause hair is so flammable. DNW flambe!Joe :( Setlist change for Sydney was Patron Saint instead of Grenade Jumper in the encore. We were at a really good angle for watching Andy.

+ Thnks fr th Mmrs on youtube or avi - 9.49 meg
synchronised (or nearly) spinning. Pete plays with Andy's cymbals.

+ A Little Less 16 Candles on youtube or avi - 4.26 meg
Pete intro'd this by talking about how much he loves Twilight, how R Patz dazzles him, and so they had to write a song about vampires. I was laughing too hard to remember it properly.

+ Sugar We're Going Down ft Cassadee on youtube or avi - 6.30 meg
They sound good together :)

+ Lullaby/This Ain't A Scene on youtube or avi - 12.50 meg
It's Pete's favourite song on the entire record. Patrick sounds sooo good.

+ Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown on youtube or avi - 10.10 meg
Pete on his knees for Andy. Pete doing a reasonable attempt at a backbend. Pete writhing on the stage. There's an awesome song too, but I keep getting distracted.

+ Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner on youtube or avi - 3.24 meg
+ I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy on youtube or avi - 13.12 meg
Both of these are mostly summed up for me with "mmmm, Joe". Sadly, I didn't get the bit on video where Pete choked Patrick, surprising the hell out of him.

+ Gabe speech and Disloyal Order on youtube or avi - 25.49 meg
Pete tells the story of Gabe the Jewish recruiter (bar mitzvahs make you sexier). Again, Gabe's life advice involves crotches. Lots of video of the awesome triple drumming. They did this really cool thing (and again later) where lights behind the drum riser were casting giant Andy silhouettes up near the roof of the arena. Video didn't come out of it, but it looked great.

+ Patrick's speech on youtube or avi - 21.42 meg
Pete makes Patrick tell a story. Patrick demands a starting point, and when Pete suggests something, I love how smoothly Patrick is all "incorrect, what happened was". We learn what not to use as deodorant, and about mind melds.

+ GTA/Where Is Your Boy on youtube or avi - 2.04 meg
Sadly a bit out of focus (or perhaps I should say soft focus?) but it's Patrick rocking out at our corner of the stage so I'm including it anyway

+ intro and America's Suitehearts on youtube or avi - 24.82 meg
shoutout to their favourite Australian, Chiz. The William comment amuses me way too much. Still not one of my favourites on the album, but I enjoyed it more live.

+ Patron Saint on youtube or avi - 12.41 meg
+ Me and You/Dance Dance on youtube or avi - 39.14 meg
I'm running out of things to say. They sound fantastic. ANDREW HURLEY, KEEP THE FUCKING BEAT. There was even more dancing from Patrick in Brisbane.

+ Saturday on youtube or avi - 13.65 meg
Patrick is waiting for the tshirt manoeuvre this time, ready to defend his hat. Pete retaliates.
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