Jensen on Good News Week

Feb 10, 2008 00:11

::flails:: JENSEN IS SO FUCKING GORGEOUS!!!1! I've made two almost-identical phone posts about this (unlocked the first one rather than deleting, what the hell), but here's a few more details (some stolen from here).

A couple of weeks ago it was announced the Channel Ten was reviving Good News Week, and I obtained some tickets for the first taping (my sister, calemiri, engenda, iibnf, edgehd and I went together, and met up with melpemone, madslasher, nolseygnu and a token male). Yesterday, it was being discussed that Jensen would be appearing, as he's out here doing promo for Supernatural, which is on Channel Ten, after GNW. This rather heightened our excitement :)

Which is good, because they were running late, and we'd been waiting around for ages when we finally got inside and things got under way. We thought the fannish grapevine had failed us when Jensen wasn't introduced as being on one of the teams, but while they were faffing around doing stuff, engenda got my attention over to the other side of the studio, where Jensen was watching Paul McDermott do the standup portion at the beginning, and we flailed. Sometime early on I also got heckled by Paul (the host)and Mikey (one of the team captains) because I looked at my watch (we were in the second and third rows, in the middle).

He was wearing blue jeans and black button-up shirt (and apparently illfitting shoes, according to iibnf), and looked incredible. While he was onstage filming, he was maybe three metres away from us. Gah.

They filmed Jensen's segment after doing the opening, so they didn't have to keep him around waiting (it'll be at least half way through the show). Jensen was doing a bonus round of questions (pick the actual stupidly wrong answer given to this easy question on a quiz show), with the points going to one of the teams. He got a huge and enthusiastic welcome when they introduced him to the audience, and then he went off and stood at the other side of the stage. They had to film him coming onto the stage several times - couldn't get the blocking right, and then one time he was a naughty little fucker who, just after sitting down, asked Paul "so who's winning?" - knowing full well that the show hadn't started filming yet, and cracked everyone up *g*. He seemed very relaxed and comfortable, and shifting between making jokes and playing the foil for Paul.

The actual question and answer part was pretty funny, mostly from Jensen's reactions to the moronic answers he had to choose between. There was a fair bit of banter between him and McDermott, not sure how much will get shown. Paul asked if he'd "seen the rock yet?" and there was a tangent about The Rock. I'm sad that Paul didn't go through with asking Jensen to answer questions from the citizenshop test. There was discussion about where they get all the zombies from for the show (Paul asked if it was from a republican nursing home, Jensen agreed and said the rest just came from their casting office in LA). Paul brought up that there are lots of fansites about Jensen, and asked if Jensen had seen one "I worship at the altar of Jensen's ass", and Jensen said no and asked how long Paul had been running it. One of my favourite bits was when they were standing (during shooting the promos, I think) and Paul stage whispered that they probably have better looking audiences in the US, and Jensen smiled and then sadly shook his head and mouthed no. He totally got into the spirit of things.

They filmed two adorable promos that I hope end up on youtube quickly after airing. In one, Jensen shoves Paul out of the way and in the other, steps in front of him (while Paul checks out his ass and possibly gropes him). He was onstage for about twenty minutes or so, maybe a little longer? I was so busy staring (and whispering back and forth with engenda about how fucking pretty he was) to notice.

Mikey was so fucking taken with Jensen. Paul went on about how good-looking he was (lamenting that he'd awarded Jensen too many points, but was just so overcome by his beauty), and Mikey was going on and on and on about how Jensen was just so much better looking than Paul ("it's like a beautiful rose, with a turd beside it"). While Jensen was still there, Mikey asked if he had somewhere to stay, and Paul made a point that Jensen could probably get lots of offers of hospitality from the audience (we agreed, enthusiastically). A little later he brought Jensen up again, saying that he thought he wanted to kiss him, and when the audience cheered, asked "was that my wife yelling DO IT?"

ETA: engenda reminded me that they never touched Jensen while he was onstage, but people were fussing over Paul's hair and makeup between every segment. Which was another thing Mikey used against Paul *g*.

ETA(2): Couple more things I remembered -
* Mikey gave Paul a really sweet kiss on the cheek before filming started, and there were at least two occasions of simulated buttsex (taking turns to be on top).
* The guy from the Chaser stormed out when Jensen came on, in protest of rampant cross-promotionalism. After he came back, Frank Woodley did something similar (I couldn't really hear him, but it was a little funny the first time, but lame when he copied).
* During their rhapsodising about Jensen's amazing good looks, Paul said he smelled so good (like something and a hint of something? can't remember), that standing next to him was was like running through a Scandinavian meadow.
* Paul asked Jensen about working with Tom Welling, asking what he was like etc. Jensen said he was a bit of a recluse, can't go out much because someone always wants to mess with the Man of Steel...unless Jensen is there to protect him, of course :)

Right towards the end, Paul managed to get a papercut from the streamers, and was claiming that his hands were so delicate and soft, so edgehd yelled out "not as nice as Jensen's!" Paul was so tired that he looked outraged but couldn't think of a comeback now, she needed to come back next week and he'd say something witty at her.

The show itself was fairly entertaining, they didn't fuck up too often, but there was a lot of side chat that won't make it in for time/content/outright swearing, so it did go on for a while. I'm intrigued to see what actually makes it to air. I have new-found respect for studio audiences, we worked hard, with the cheering and hollering, particularly when they'd fuck up and we'd have to do over and over.

Pity the weather has been so unseasonable and shitty - Jensen needs to have a good time and get a good impression of Sydney so he'll come back again :)

PS - so unbelievably attractive! And he was all smiley and amused and looking at us at times. ::flails again::

fannish encounters, squeeee!, supernatural, tv

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